Leadership Search & Rescue Program (LSAR)
“The Leadership, Search and Rescue (LSAR) program is looking to extend eligible candidates operational knowledge and skills with the ability to become managers and leaders within their clubs, districts and beyond.
Run over 2 consecutive weekends, the Leadership Search & Rescue Program is a very fun and practical award to complete. Previously the program has been run at the Waratah Beach SLSC however due to the ever changing nature of the program and the growing number of emerging leaders, we are very excited to announce that the 2021 LSAR program will run out of Woolamai Beach SLSC!
+ Course Details
- **Due to the extended COVID-19 lockdowns, the difficult decision was made to cancel the 2021 LSAR Camp.
All candidates are required to register through Member Training Portal
Questions? training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
+ Pre-requisites
- You must be a current financial member of Woolamai Beach SLSC
- You must be at least 17 years of age on the date of final assessment
- Hold the following SLSA awards
- Bronze Medallion (BM)
- First Aid (FA)
- Advanced Resuscitation Techniques (ART)
- Awards Prefered:
- Inflatable Rescue Boat Crew (IRBC)
- Silver Medallion Inflatable Rescue Boat Driver (IRBD)
+ Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be taught the skills and knowledge to become beach managers and leaders within your club.
- Awards Offered During the Program:
- Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue (SMAR)
- Silver Medallion Beach Management (SMBM)
- Advanced First Aid (HLTAID014)
- Remote First Aid (HLTAID013)
- Leadership Offered During Program:
- Leadership Skills
- LSV on Scene Commander
- Operational Control
- Operational Brieging/De-briefing
- Values/Understanding Self and Others
- Team Management Skills
For more information about our courses, please contact training@woolamaibeach.asn.au