Family Groups
“A Family Group is simply an artificial group of people in one club for the purpose of data management where it is assumed the primary member(s) in control of the group has some legal standing to manage the Family Group”
What is a Family Group?
Family Groups consists of Primary member(s) who can manage the group and standard members who can be managed in the group.
A Family Group can only exist where there is at least one Primary and one Standard member.
A Primary member must be over 18 years old.
Family Groups can only be created by members 18 years and over
Clubs must approve all requests initiated from the Family Groups area via Pending Requests in Surfguard
Club Officers can manage the groups and perform all other family group functions from within Surfguard.
You can be a member of more than one family group in one club
Any disputes or issues around the creation, data management or dissolution of a group should be raised with your Club in the first instance.
All users of the Members Area automatically agree to abide by all SLSA and State / Branch and Club Terms of Use, Privacy and other Policies, Regulations and guidelines.
The use of family groups in the Member Area is not compulsory.
How to ‘Create’ a Family Group
Step 1. Log into your Members Area account.
Step 2. Go to Memberships > Family > Create Family Group
NOTE: You (the primary member) are automatically placed in the family group so you only need to add your other family members.
Step 3. Type in the First Name, Last Name & DOB of a family member that you wish to add to our Family Group, tick the box Include Archived Members and click Search.
NOTE: For privacy reasons, you will need to match exactly each person searched to be able to add them to your Family group. If you are having difficulty finding your family members, please contact us
Step 4: If the system locates your family member they will be displayed in the Available Members on left-hand side. Highlight the name and using the > arrow key move them over to the Selected Members on the right-hand side. Repeat as necessary for additional family members.
Step 5: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Submit.
Step 6: Refresh you screen and you will now see that your family group has been created.
If you are registering for the Nipper Program this year, you are NOT required to make any payments on this portal. Please close your window once complete.
How to ‘Renew’ your Family Group
Step 1: Log into your Members Area account.
Step 2: Go to Memberships > Family > Renew Family Memberships
Step 3: Tick the checkbox located to the Left of each members name
**NOTE: Check box will not appear against members who are already registered for the selected season or have already submitted an online renewal form.
Step 4: The system will give the Primary Family Group user the option to update\share data with the family groups. If you need to update a family group members address, phone, email and/or emergency details click on the corresponding checkbox.
Step 5: Once submitted you will be given the option to make an Online Payment
**NOTE: When making a payment for the family, please separate each transaction for each member of the family
Membership Fees can be found HERE
If you are registering for the Nipper Program this year, you are NOT required to make any payments on this portal. Please close your window once complete.
If you need any further assistance please contact