Weekly Club Update 13-10-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 13-10-2022
Clubhouse and residence use and expectations
Skills Maintenance - SAVE THE DATE!
Training Officer Certificate (TOC)
Marine License Course Opportunities
YMCA Swim Teacher Opportunity
LSV News
Clubhouse and residence use and expectations
Dear Members,
The Woolamai Beach SLSC Board wanted to take the opportunity prior to season commencement to remind members of the expectations and rules around usage of the Clubhouse and the Residence property.
Please see the attached document. by clicking HERE
This document will be circulated around in the coming weeks and is expected to be read and followed as we head into the season
Any questions don't hesitate to reach out
Kind Regards,
The Woolamai Beach SLSC Board
Skills Maintenance - SAVE THE DATE!
What is Skills Maintenance?
Skills maintenance is intended to ensure all patrolling lifesavers remain proficient in their skills and display the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the patrol award criteria. All active Lifesavers are required to complete a skills maintenance assessment to show currency in the life saving award/s they hold and wish to retain.
What is assessed at Skills Maintenance?
More information will be provided. Please see below snapshot of what is assessable on the day.
When is Skills Maintenance?
The last 2 COVID seasons, we have had to modify how we conduct skills maintenance by providing multiple session over multiple days. This season, we are going back to the old structure of conducting skills maintenance over 1 weekend.
Please Save the Date (You are required to come for only 1 of the days):
Saturday 3rd December & Sunday 4th December 2022
More information will come out in the coming month regarding the structure.
What can I do to prepare?
2) Ensure you have a valid WWCC
3) Ensure you are triple vaxed and have filled in the vaccination status form
Vaccination Note: Anyone above the age of 18 MSUT be tripled vaxed. Anyone between 12-17 MUST be double vaxed
For more information, please read our skills maintenance page https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/skills-maintenance
Training Team
Training Officer Certificate (TOC)
Ever wanted to help train courses at Woolamai Beach SLSC? The Training Officer Certificate (TOC) is the key award to starting your journey as a trainer for LSV.
Over 2 days, this course is for members looking to have a long-term involvement in training and assessment delivery across a combination of aquatic rescue, first aid and emergency care and powercraft courses.
Dates & location:
26 & 27 November 2022 @Anglesea Surf Life Saving Club
22 & 23 December 2022 @ Surf Life Saving Lakes Entrance
21 & 22 January 2023 @ Cape Patterson Surf Life Saving Club
Courses will be available to enroll into via the member training portal. The cost of the course is $50.00 payable at the time of enrolment. Members must also receive a club endorsement from the Chief Instructor before registering. Once you have filled out your endorsement form, please email it to training@woolamaibeach.asn.au.
For more information about the TOC courses, please click HERE
Terry Aslanidis - Director of Member Development
E: training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Marine License Course Opportunities
LSV is an approved training provider for marine license (incl. PWC). Spaces on each course delivered by LSV’s public training team are reserved for club volunteers at no cost. The purpose is to create a clear pathway to obtain a marine license and subsequently an IRB driver award.
To be eligible to attend the marine license course, members must meet the pre-requisites of the IRB driver course. Those are:
Current financial member over 17 years of age
Current Bronze medallion and IRB crew awards
Eligible members should:
Contact the Volunteer training team who will:
a. Confirm eligibility
b. Provide a course discount code and enrolment instructions
Follow the enrolment instructions provided.
The course dates and locations are as follows:
7 November 2022 @ Warrnambool Surf Life Saving Club
10 December 2022@ Life Saving Victoria
14 January 2023 @ Life Saving Victoria
2 February 2023 @ Lakes Entrance Surf Lifesaving Club
6 March 2023 @ Life Saving Victoria
15 May 2023 @ Ocean Grove Surf Life Saving Club
19 June 2023 @ Life Saving Victoria
YMCA Swim Teacher Opportunity
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE