Weekly Club Update 28-4-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 28-4-2022
Sustainability Committee - Recycled Handplanes - help needed!
SLSA National Leadership College 2022 – Applications open
Training Opportunities
LSV News
Sustainability Committee - Recycled Handplanes - help needed!
G‘day everyone! Over at the sustainability committee we are in the initial stages of creating a hand plane project using recycled plastics - because I’m not an avid body surfer I need some help if you have a favourite shape/anything you like in a hand plane please message me on Facebook or alternatively send an email at tretheweyben@gmail.com
I’d love to have a chat!!!!
Ben Trethewey, Sustainability Committee
SLSA National Leadership College 2022 – Applications open
What is the National Leadership College?
The National Leadership College (NLC) is an annual leadership and development program recognising young leaders in Surf Life Saving (SLS) aged between 20 and 30 years. Participants come from a variety of clubs, roles and SLS backgrounds. Ideally participants will have attended a state leadership program, however they may have attended similar leadership programs through work or study. The NLC is an essential step in the SLS Leadership Pathway.
The NLC provides an exciting opportunity for members within the movement to further develop their leadership skills and continue to positively contribute to the success of SLS. As well as learning new skills and creating opportunities for personal growth, NLC will open new networks with other likeminded passionate members across the country, who are also committed to making a difference within the movement. The NLC is designed to challenge participants intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically.
The skills gained are designed to be taken back to clubs and into other areas of the participant’s daily life, with the aim of contributing to SLSA’s mission statement of saving lives, creating great Australians and building better communities. Each day includes keynote speakers, elective sessions, activities and challenges relating to the leadership theme of the day. Each participant will be allocated a mentor and have ongoing opportunities for review and further development.
Participants also benefit from exposure to the larger national movement. Networking with members from clubs nationally is a highlight for participants as they share ideas and create new friendships and networks.
Participants have the opportunity to see the big picture for SLS as they gain greater exposure to national goals and aspirations. Through the sharing of ideas, resources and future directions, NLC provides an opportunity to create an effective national movement.
For more information, please click HERE to view the circular.
Applications close 2nd of May 2022
Training Opportunities
Please see below upcoming course @ LSV. Follow the link to register.
Marine Licence - Click Here
ART/FA @ LSV - Click Here
Training Officer Certificate (TOC) - Click Here
Assessor Certificate (ASC) - Click Here
Cert IV Training & Assessment - Click Here
Training Calendar
If you are interested in other training throughout the year, please keep an eye out on our website https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/training-calendar
Terry Aslanidis - Chief Instructor
E: training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE