Weekly Club Update 3-11-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 3-11-2022
2022/2023 Patrol Roster Out!
Developing the WBSLSC Strategy - EOI
Clubhouse off limits Friday and Saturday
Skills Maintenance - SAVE THE DATE!
LSV News
2022/2023 Patrol Roster Out!
The 2022/2023 Patrol roster is now out!
Make sure you have a look when your patrols are for the season ahead and get ready for another great season!
The second sheet has contact details of the lifesaving services team
Or have a look at the Patrol Roster page under members by clicking HERE
Developing the WBSLSC Strategy
Over the past few seasons Woolamai Beach Surf Life Saving Club has been developing a strategic plan which will help provide the Club with future direction.
Following the award of a grant from Life Saving Victoria earlier this year, the Club will be further updating its strategy by developing a view of what life saving services will be needed in 2040 and how the club can best meet these needs.
Mark Donaldson will be convening a team to deliver this update. Members interested in contributing to the work should contact Mark (mgdonaldson@me.com)
Clubhouse off limits Friday and Saturday
Hi all,
Due to a private function at the club this Friday and Saturday, the club will be off limits.
Skills Maintenance - SAVE THE DATE!
What is Skills Maintenance?
Skills maintenance is intended to ensure all patrolling lifesavers remain proficient in their skills and display the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the patrol award criteria. All active Lifesavers are required to complete a skills maintenance assessment to show currency in the life saving award/s they hold and wish to retain.
What is assessed at Skills Maintenance?
More information will be provided. Please see below snapshot of what is assessable on the day.
When is Skills Maintenance?
The last 2 COVID seasons, we have had to modify how we conduct skills maintenance by providing multiple session over multiple days. This season, we are going back to the old structure of conducting skills maintenance over 1 weekend.
Please Save the Date (You are required to come for only 1 of the days):
Saturday 3rd December & Sunday 4th December 2022
More information will come out in the coming month regarding the structure.
What can I do to prepare?
2) Ensure you have a valid WWCC
3) Ensure you are triple vaxed and have filled in the vaccination status form
Vaccination Note: Anyone above the age of 18 MSUT be tripled vaxed. Anyone between 12-17 MUST be double vaxed
For more information, please read our skills maintenance page https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/skills-maintenance
Training Team
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE