Weekly Club Update 4-8-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 4-8-2022
2022 LSV Club Conference
Sustainability Committee
U18 Development Camp Applications - NOW OPEN!
U18 Development Camp - Leader EOI
SLSA Women’s Mentoring Program 4 - 2022 Program
Australian Pool Life Saving Championships 2023
LSV News
2022 LSV Club Conference
Life Saving Victoria (LSV) is thrilled to announce the annual Club Conference is returning to face-to-face this year.
Mark your calendars for Saturday 17 September and Sunday 18 September, when we host a fantastic program of guest speakers and workshops to help clubs prepare for season 2022-23.
Volunteers will be presented with an array of topical and essential information, with content focused on the coming year.
This event provides the opportunity for LSV to demonstrate new resources that are available to clubs, as well as a fantastic occasion for members to come together with other volunteers from around the state.
Woolamai is looking to send a group of eager people to go and learn this information and come back with a variety of knowledge that they can then apply and bring back to the club.
This is a great opportunity for anyone who is currently in a leadership position or wishes to be one in the future as it gives a beneficial understanding of what’s happening at LSV and a good kickstart for the season ahead.
The draft program can be found HERE
If you’re interested in going, please fill out the expression of interest HERE and someone will be in contact with you.
In order for the club to make a booking in time, the EOI will close Friday 2nd September
Any questions please get in contact with Brendan Smart - 0433 793 097
Facebook event - click HERE
More information from the LSV circular - click HERE
Sustainability Committee opportunity
Hi All,
The sustainability committee is re-structuring for the upcoming season to improve our efficiency as a team. We’d like to thank Ben Trethewey and James Henderson for their contribution as sustainability leaders. We’re excited about the opportunity to invite new members onto the committee and encourage those interested follow the link below.
Our structure for the 2022/23 season will look like:
Some objectives for the upcoming season include:
Development of an environmental action plan
Creating an effective waste system (reducing our contribution to landfill)
General modifications to reduce our non-renewables consumption
Implementing an energy management system
Community events eg. beach clean-ups, an op-shop ball, planting days and workshops
Developing education modules for our camps/programs
Improving our communication and social media presence
All positions without a name attached are up for grabs. Please rest assured that we will continue to work towards our goals collaboratively, so even if you don’t feel you have the experience to take on a role, we encourage you to apply anyway. For more information on the roles/responsibilities of each position and to apply for a role, please follow the link:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Louise – 0488 676 171 or via facebook.
U18 Leadership Development Camp - Now OPEN!
The U18 Leadership Development Camp is an opportunity for our youth members to develop and enhance their leadership and lifesaving skills, to support their progress through their lifesaving journey.
Participants will have the chance to learn about their leadership style and building effective teams through fun practical activities. They will also have the opportunity to develop lifesaving, mentoring and coaching skills to utilise back at their club through on beach scenario-based training.
Participants will be mentored by current volunteer leaders and can learn, share and network with likeminded lifesavers from across the state over a three-day live-in camp.
16 or 17 years of age at time of camp
Have a good standing with the club
Considered to be a future leader of the club
For more information on the program, key timings and camp fees, please click HERE. If you are interested in applying for this program, please contact memberdevelopment@woolamaibeach.asn.au for a written endorsement.
Applications close Sunday, 4 September 2022
U18 Leadership Development Camp - Leader EOI
LSV is seeking camp leaders to assist with facilitating and administering the 2022 U18 Leadership Development Camp.
Being a Camp Leader will provide you with an opportunity to extend your own leadership potential, develop valuable facilitating skills, network with likeminded members and to assist in establishing the next generation of young leaders
For more information in what is involved and who is best to apply for the position, please click HERE. If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact memberdevelopment@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Terry Aslanidis
Director of Member Development
E: memberdevelopment@woolamaibeach.asn.au
SLSA Women’s Mentoring Program 4 - 2022 Program
Applications are now open for the 2022 SLSA Women’s Mentoring Program.
We encourage Victoria female members to consider both Mentee and Mentor opportunities. This program promotes women within lifesaving, facilitating empowerment, support and leadership skills which can be applied to their paid roles inside and outside of SLS, volunteer activities and everyday life. The Program promotes ongoing supported pathways of personal and professional development as well as networking opportunities. Each mentee is selected based on:
demonstrated leadership abilities and
their potential and willingness to develop further in this area and
move into leadership positions within SLS
What are the individual benefits:
For the Mentee:
Build confidence, capability and interpersonal relationship skills
Supports them to take control of their own leadership capability and capacity by providing an opportunity to learn skills and behaviours and enhance their support networks
Life engagement of our women members, providing networking and ongoing support groups, increasing their sense of belonging.
For the Mentor:
Opportunity to be part of a legacy, give back and pass on personal and professional learnings, increasing their self-worth
Enhance interpersonal and professional skills increasing personal value to the organisation and reenergising their engagement with SLS • Strengthen coaching and leadership skills
What will the program entail?
The Mentee is responsible for establishing the path they would like to follow during the mentoring process. The main aim of mentoring is to help them determine their broad career and personal development goals and define a plan to help them achieve them.
The Mentee is responsible for arranging meetings and setting the agenda. They need to take a proactive role in shaping the relationship with their mentor and put the time to best use.
Mentoring meetings can occur in many ways. Mentor and Mentee need to agree on frequency, meeting length and regularity of meeting. Mentoring meetings usually run for 1 – 2 hours, although this may vary. We recommend meeting every 4-6 weeks. Most of our matches are not in the same state, so your meetings will be done over the phone, FaceTime or Zoom. You might also like to stay in touch by text in between meetings.
We will have initial training for the Mentors and Mentees before you get started, and this will introduce you to the online platform from McCarthy Mentoring which will guide you through the Program and help you to understand the mentoring relationship.
There will also be workshops which SLSA will arrange every few months which you can attend (online) which will further develop your skills in a number of ways, both personally and professionally.
Most importantly, you will have an incredible support network of like-minded women at your fingertips to reach out to.
nominees must be at least 16 to apply
Nominations due 25th of September
For more information - click HERE
Australian Pool Life Saving Championships 2023
We’re excited to announce the Australian Pool Lifesaving Championships will head to Victoria in January 2023. We can’t wait to see you back at the pool!
Competition dates: Thursday 19th to Saturday 21st January 2023
Location: Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre
Hey all, great opportunity to get a bunch of interested members together and make up a team. I personally would love to be the team manager and arrange training sessions, meet ups and make it fun and more social than anything else, but come away with some medals along the way. Pm me, if you are keen to know more.
Carole Irving
Message Carole for more information
Click HERE for more info
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE