Weekly Club Update 7-12-2023
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 7-12-2023
Life Members and members Dinner (Paella Night)
Skills Maintenance (Extra sessions)
Junior Accommodation Policy
IRB Crew Camp - EOI
Clubhouse Off Limits
LSV Annual Report 2022/23
Closing Soon/Upcoming
LSV News
Life Members and Members Dinner (Paella Night)
WHAT: "Life Members and Members" dinner - celebrating 50 years since Woolamai Beach SLSC's first Australian Title. 1974 Reserve surfboat at Glenelg South Australia
All 5 crew members have confirmed their attendance
WHEN: Saturday 6th January 2024
WHERE: Clubhouse bar and deck
TIME: 6pm bar opens for a 7-7:30pm Paella dinner (RSAs needed to man the bar)
- $22 ADULTS
- $15 UNDER 21’s
Once again we have Melbourne Paella Co. providing our meal!
A little bit about the company. We aim to provide your function with a delicious and memorable experience for your guests.
We recommend two or three types of paella to choose from to cover all of your guests dietary requirements:
Sustainable Seafood
Chicken & Chorizo
Our Paellas are made with the freshest and highest quality of produce including fresh boneless chicken, high quality authentic mild chorizo, and fresh seasonal vegetables. We do not compromise on quality or abundance. The paellas are cooked 100% from scratch right in front of all your guests and we feel they have the finest flavours of any paella in Melbourne. Your guests will enjoy watching the visual display, the cooking technique, the aromas, and eventually the delicious main course.
Dietary requirements - no problem! Paella is 100% gluten free, dairy free, nut free, healthy, and absolutely delicious! Our vegetarian paella is also suitable for vegans.
Unfortunately multiple items can’t be selected at once. The way around this is to select 1 option and add to cart, and then go back to https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/shop/wbslsc-life-members-and-members-dinner-2024 and select another option. This will show both units in your cart. Alternatively multiple payments can be made.
(For those who are technologically challenged please get in contact with Macca, e: maccamcl@hotmail.com / m: 0409 234 642)
Bookings will close 4pm Monday 1 January 2023
Skills Maintenance (Extra Sessions)
Please ensure you have completed all the steps before to register for any Skills Maintenance Sessions. More information https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/skills-maintenance
Dear Members,
This is your last opportunity to requalify your awards at the club before the end of the year.
10:00am - 17th December 2023 (With Bronze Camp Leaders)
9:00am - 20th December 2023 (With Island Surfboards @ Smiths Beach)
Please make sure you book into the session you want to complete and complete all e-learning. Members who do not complete the 4 steps outlined in the SM section of the website will be turned away.
These 2 sessions will be running on a time schedule and can not afford to be late. If you have any questions please contact training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Training Team
Junior Accomodation Policy
Our Club Board has identified the need to formalise a junior accomodation policy to ensure the safety and enjoyment of junior and other members staying overnight at the Clubhouse.
We are currently finalising an interim Junior Accommodation Policy, which will be released shortly. Once released, junior members will again be able to stay at the Clubhouse, subject to conditions.
In the mean time, a reminder of the current conditions below.
Effective immediately NO junior members (under 18) will be permitted to stay overnight at the Clubhouse unless participating in a camp or course.
Junior members who are patrolling may do so and can attend patrol dinners or activities but must be picked up by a parent or guardian prior to 10pm.
Should any parents of junior members have enquiries, wish to discuss this or find out about alternatives to staying at the Clubhouse please get in touch with Jason Close via president@woolamaibeach.asn.au or 0417 569 004
IRB Crew Camp - EOI
The training team are excited to announce a brand new date for our IRB Crew Camp next season!
Over the Australia Day long weekend, members will have an opportunity to complete their IRB Crew award over a 3 day camp.
Must be a financial member of the club
Must be 15 years old by final assessment
The Inflatable Rescue Boat Certificate provides participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively crew an Inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB) in surf rescue operations.
Expression of Interest
Due to limited spots for this camp, we will be taking an Expression of Interest from members and selecting those who are in good standing with the club and have contributed to volunteer patrols/activities.
To submit your EOI, please fill in the form by the 15th December 2023
Clubhouse Off Limits
Dear Members,
The clubhouse and residence will be off limits and out of action for our upcoming Bronze Camps in December.
Monday 4th December - Friday 8th December 2023
Sunday 10th December - Sunday 17th December 2023
During this time, no access to the clubhouse will be permitted unless approved by the Chief Instructor or a Board Member.
Please ensure all belongings are removed from the clubhouse prior to the camps starting. Patrol Leaders will be contacted regarding their respective patrols that fall on the weekend before and after Bronze Camp.
Patrol Hours Competition
The Patrol Hours Competition is back! Patrol hours are given to a member who performs either a voluntary patrol or water safety event either at Nippers, SRC, Bronze, Channel Challenge, Cowes Classic or Little Penguin Dash.
At the beginning of each patrol, the patrol captain will sign on the patrol via LIMSOC and then sign on each member individually. If you are late to the patrol, it is your responsibility to speak with the PC to be signed on.
Members are to be accountable for keeping track of their own hours. To do this, login to Members Area and click Patrols > Patrol Hours. (Hours may not be updated straight away as LSV input the data manually).
Patrol Hours Leaderboard
Please Note: This Leaderboard has been taken straight from Surfguard and may not reflect the current hours at this time
LSV Annual Report 2022/23
Life Saving Victoria’s annual report is now available for the 2022/23 season
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE
Events Calendar
To view our club calendar which includes social events, patrol events and more, click here https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/events
Training Calendar
To view our club training calendar which includes all courses/camps run by the club, click here https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/training-calendar