Weekly Club Update 8-6-2023
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 8-6-2023
Advanced Lifesaving Camp (ALC) - Applications Now Open
2023 Advanced Lifesaving Camp - Employment Opportunity
High Performance CPR Masterclass
LSV News
Advanced Lifesaving Camp (ALC) - Applications Now Open!
Life Saving Victoria (LSV) is now inviting applications from members who wish to attend the 2023 Advanced Lifesaving Camp.
Advanced Lifesaving Camp (ALC) is designed to enhance the training and development of Lifesavers and Lifeguard recruits. With a strong focus on high performance, ALC combines practical learning with specialised theory to advance the skill set of all participants.
This year LSV will be running one Advanced Lifesaving Camp as outlined below:
DATE: Monday 25th September – Friday 29th September 2023
LOCATION: Anglesea Discovery Camp
COST: $600 *Payment plans are available
Application Process
Minimum age is 17 years as of the first date of the camp P/ 2 of 3
Bronze Medallion
Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (HLTAID009)
Provide First Aid (HLTAID003) or (HLTAID011)
Provide Advanced Resuscitation (HLTAID007) or (HLTAID015)
Patrol Hours/Patrolling History
IRB Crew/Driver
Silver Medallion Patrol Captain
*Please note, Silver Medallion Patrol Captain award will not be run on the camp*
Written Endorsement by the club
Endorsements are issued to LSV for ALC and Paid Employment as a Lifeguard each year. Upon successful selection, clubs will be contact and asked to provide a written club endorsement, in support of the application.
Woolamai Beach SLSC will endorse members who continually contribute to the lifesaving club each year. A minimum of 20 patrol hours and/or off beach volunteering (ie. administration, training) is required to receive an endorsement.
This will be implement to both new and returning lifeguards.
If you have any questions, please contact Campbell Smart or Terry Aslanidis.
For more information and link to apply, please see the circular here - https://lsv.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Circular-389.06.23-Advance-Lifesaving-Camp-Candidates.pdf
Applications close Sunday 25 th June 2023
2023 Advanced Lifesaving Camp Employment Opportunity
Life Saving Victoria (LSV) is now inviting applications for employment for casual roles at the 2023 Advanced Lifesaving Camp. Vacancies exist for both Camp Team Leaders, and Camp Leaders with varied specialist skills.
We are seeking experienced members with operational capabilities, leadership experience, and training and assessment qualifications.
Applicants must have a desire to support advanced lifesavers wishing to take the next step in lifesaving and strive for their Gold Medallion.
For more information and link to apply, please see the circular here - https://lsv.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Circular-390.06.23-ALC-Leaders.pdf
High Performance CPR Masterclass
In September 2023, LSV are pleased to be able to offer members access to high performance CPR masterclasses, delivered by the world class Resuscitation Academy out of Canada.
This opportunity will enable members access to free 5-hour face-to-face masterclasses, to further develop their CPR skills and knowledge, and learn from the very best in the world.
The masterclasses will be delivered with the support of the Global Resuscitation Alliance, Ambulance Victoria and the Laerdal foundation. This unique opportunity is aligned with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) Victorian Branch conference, which takes place in Melbourne on 9 th and 10th of September 23 (https://resus.org.au/conferences/)
Who Should Attend?
Regular patrollers and Patrol Captains
Trainers, Assessors and Facilitators
Chief Training Officer and Area Training and Assessment Officer
Beach, inland and pool lifeguards
Lifesaving service and aquatic industry personnel
Three sessions are currently available for enrolments:
4 th September (9am)
6 th September (1pm)
10th September (12pm)
Enrolments are mandatory and can be made through the member-training-portal (https://mt.lsv.com.au/) under the ‘Membership and Leadership Development’ tab
If you have any questions, please contact memberdevelopment@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE