President | Rob Murphy
Woolamai is a very special place, it’s built on friendship, loyalty, and support. It’s a place you come to make new friends and catch up with old friends…. For some of us, this stretches over decades.
A young Rob Murphy competing in beach flags
I started my report last year with these same words and have done so here this year because they resonate just as strong as they ever have, with these special friendships only becoming stronger with each year that passes.
The season saw the passing of John Barber or 'JB' as he was known who acquired his Bronze Medallion in 1962 and went on to hold the positions of First Aid Officer, Club Captain, Deputy President, and President over the next ten years not to mention also meeting his wife to be of many years, Liz. He will be missed by many in the Woolamai Family and on behalf of the Woolamai Family, I would like to express my condolences to John’s daughter Tilly and family.
Woolamai was again called to assist with the search for missing rock fishermen, who tragically lost their lives. Any life lost is one too many and our members showed professionalism and reinforced the amazing efforts in protecting the beach going public and community on Phillip Island and I thank you and commend you for the public service that you do.
Our season started with amazing summer weather for our Bronze camps and continued for the Nipper program seeing a sea of smiling faces of our future lifesavers at Woolamai Waters is a sight to behold. Thank you to the incredible teams of people who facilitate and make possible both these integral programs.
Our Special events thankfully went off without a hitch and also would not be possible without many hours of preparation by the Special Event team. Thank you to the team and volunteers who make it happen and the benefits that flow to the wider Phillip Island community.
From this fantastic start to the season we encountered COVID-19. The effects and challenges that this has had on the club are many and varied and I would like to thank Rochelle Olarenshaw for securing our supply line of toilet paper in our hour of need 😊.
We are an Emergency Service first and foremost. This year not only have we worked hard to provide a safe environment for our beach visitors but our members have also been called on to assist the community in other ways and our facilities have the capacity and capability to become a co-ordination center for other emergency services in times of bush fire, search & rescue, or pandemic health crisis. We have been asked to support Ambulance Victoria with drivers to assist Paramedics with the transport of patients if their capacity is stretched and our members have already helped with the packing of thousands of COVID-19 testing kits for front line health workers.
The Woolamai Family were there as always helping to make our communities stronger and more resilient in these times of need and I couldn’t be more proud of your efforts. Please look after one another in these challenging times and remember it is a strength not a weakness to reach out if you need help.
After four years as President, I will be stepping down and wanted to thank everyone for your support, not just of myself but more importantly the Woolamai Family. The club continues to grow and with it the complexities of an organization of our size. These challenges could not have been overcome without the tireless efforts of your Directors and committee, Mark Bain, Stafford Smith, Max Elderidge, Brendan Smart, Hannah Tzimokas, Darrell Clark, Riley Fyffe, Charles Tuchtan, Jeremy Goodger and the teams who support them. Rochelle Olarenshaw for being the glue that kept it all together especially through Pick My Project and lastly my family, Michelle, Josh, and Grace.
I thank you all, and may you and your families stay safe.
Rob Murphy