Woolamai Newsletter - March Edition
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
In this Edition:
Board Update
Training Update
Member Development Opportunities
International Women’s Day
Bass Coast Series
Position needed- Club Merchandise Officer!
Victorian Senior Lifesaving Championships
How to get a segment in next Month’s Newsletter
Board Update
No update this month due to a delayed board meeting
Training Update
IRB Camp
We have completed week 1 of our annual IRB Camp over the Labour Day long weekend. With pristine conditions, our crews and drivers have had their fair share of time learning the craft of the IRB.
With Go Pro’s attached to helmets and boats, we were able to capture some amazing footage over the weekend, which will be turned into an IRB Camp video. We also had some fun creating IRB TikTok’s seeing our club account grow and gain interest from other Surf Lifesaving Clubs and even Bondi Rescue!
Woolamai Beach TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@woolamaibeachslsc
Terry Aslanidis
Chief Instructor
E: training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Member Development
Rescue Board Development Session
Woolamai Beach held its first Rescue Board Development sessions at YCW on the 26th February. It was great to see a few young members come along and paddle out. Big thanks to Ash Smith for running the session.
“It was great to have some one-on-one time…. and helpful to have someone else show us what to do and the techniques used more commonly in the larger surf. I improved my skills over the 2-ish hours we were out and had fun along the way too” - Jarrod McGill (Punchy Penguins)
The Development team are looking forward to continuing personal development with members for the rest of the season and continuing early next season.
Patrol Hours (Update)
We are coming close to the end of the season and with only a month of patrols to go, it will be a tight finish on who will achieve 100 voluntary patrol hours!
**Please Note that these hours are not up to date
We have a few very big weekends coming up with patrol hours to grab so if you are just under 100 and want to achieve 100+, these are the weekends you want to come down to:
Easter Long Weekend:
Watermen (15th & 16th) & Islanders (17th & 18th) - Total of 24 hours
Anzac Day Long Weekend:
Sandman (23rd & 24th) & Punchy Penguins (25th) - Total of 15.5 hours
To view the patrol roster for the remainder of the season, click Here
International Women’s Day
At the start of the Mmonth, you may have seen some of the amazing Woolamai Women being recognised on our socials. These women are just some of many, who have demonstrated amazing courage and strength in the field of lifesaving. In honour of International Women’s day, we aim to celebrate all those in our community who identify as women. Without these powerful chicks, our club and lifesaving as a whole would not be the successful service it is. Today and every day, we acknowledge the fabulous female figures in our lives and praise them for their tremendous work and determination.
Woolamai Beach SLSC has been recognised at the Life Saving Victoria International Women’s Day Breakfast with the Trailblazer Award. This award was created to acknowledge the work Woolamai has done in the Gender Diversity and Inclusion space. Woolamai was the first club in the state to host a Pink Zinc Patrol in 2011, and now it is a state wide event with Surf Club’s and Aquatic Centres coming together to celebrate women in lifesaving. The award was presented to Georgie Wettenhall and Annie Coleman, on behalf of all Woolamai members. We hope all members are proud of this achievement, and we thank each individual for their support and contribution to growing our Club’s diversity. The LSV Trailblazer Award is for all of us. As a Team, Woolamai has grown and pushed to become the best we can, and our ideas and actions are now a vital part of the Life Saving Victoria service. While we will never stop working to be better, we hope each member takes today to reflect and be proud of their contribution to our community. 💜💜💜💜 #saveliveslikeagirl #womeninlifesaving #lsv #girlpower #internationalwomensday2022
Annie Coleman and Georgie Wettenhall receiving the award
Bass Coast Series
And that's a wrap!
After lots of planning, dedication and execution from an amazing team, the Bass Coast Series is over until next year!
Well done to our competitors in the Channel Challenge as well as the Little Penguin Dash and Cowes Classic events that were held a few weeks ago!
Race times are available at www.mytimes.com.au
Special thanks to everyone who supported the Series this year. We love being able to organise these events for our community and feel very lucky to have such amazing support!
A special thanks to all the volunteers who gave their time to help out and make these events possible!
Bring on the Bass Coast Series in 2023!
San Remo Channel Challenge

Cowes Classic

To see more pictures from the event, visit our Photo Gallery here - https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/photo-gallery
Position needed - Club Merchandise Officer!
Are you our new Club Merchandise Officer? Fi Blackmore is stepping down at the end of this season after four years, & is keen to hear from anyone who's up for picking up this voluntary role. Patrol uniforms & club gear, like hoodies, bathers and trackies are covered by this position, & having access to these clothes is valued by club members across all ages & stages. It's a role that can be spread over the season, & doesn't require a lifesaving background. The role could be split into just patrol uniforms, to support our camps & patrolling members, & merchandise gear (hoodies etc). Our gear is due for a refresh, so it's a great opportunity for someone new to take a different approach. Interested, & like to know more? Contact Fi on merchandise@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Fi would also love some help before Easter for stocktake. Please email her if you can spare a few hours on a weekend.
Victorian Senior Lifesaving Championships
Our club would like to send a massive congratulations to SRC Ayden Fawaz, who represented Woolamai at the Victorian Senior Lifesaving Championships this past weekend. Ayden demonstrated great skill and sportsmanship, to come 1st in the U14 1km Beach Run, 2nd in the Youth Men’s Cameron and 2nd in the Beach Long Run Relay.
Additionally, one of our members Annie Coleman (representing Point Leo SLSC) came 3rd in the U23’s Female Surf Boat.
We are extremely proud of our members and their well-deserved achievements

Want a segment in next Month’s newsletter?
Hi all,
If anyone would like to submit something for next month, the best way to do this is send me an email at communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au with a title for the segment, and text of what you’d like to be included as well as any pictures or images and I’ll be sure to add it in.
Deadline for April’s Newsletter - 8th of April
I hope everyone enjoys the last few weeks of Summer and has a smooth transition back to school or work life!
Ryan Box - Director of Communications