Woolamai Newsletter - April Edition
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
In this Edition:
Board Update
Presentation Night - Save the Date!
Training Update
Patrol Hours (Final Update)
Valuing Volunteers Evening (VVE)
WBSLSC Sustainability - Social Media
Gerries Patrol
Inaugural Red Carpet Night - Hosted by the Waterman Patrol
U13 Development Camp
Position needed- Club Merchandise Officer!
How to get a segment in next Month’s Newsletter
Board Update
Our Presentation Night will be held at Silverwater Resort on Saturday night 28th May. We are looking for an organising committee. Organising the presentation night is much simpler when many members put their hands up to help out. Many thanks to those who have already offered support. More information below!
Stay safe and enjoy the last of our warm days as the first chills of Autumn are felt.
Mark Bain - President
Presentation Night - Save the Date!
We are very excited that we are beginning preparations for our first in person presentation night on Saturday 28th May 2022, since the 2018/19 season! This season we will be returning to Silverwater Resort in San Remo.
Presentation Night Footage Wanted
For presentation night I am creating a video of the season. If anyone has any video footage they would like featured, please add it to the google drive linked below.
Click HERE to upload your photos and videos!
Erin Close
Social Media Coordinator
Tickets and official invites are being finlised by the organising committee. Please keep an eye out on the weekly updates for more information.
Training Update
IRB Camp (March)
A huge congratulations to everyone who took part in this years March IRB Camp. Each year we continue to provide high quality training to our members, to ensure we uphold our standards and reputation at Woolamai Beach. After training for 2 weekends in the best conditions possible, we saw 5 new drivers and 8 new crew obtain their IRB awards!
“Very proud of Lachie and all the IRB crews/drivers who attended the IRB camp. As President, big thank you and congratulations to the training team who gave up five days to run the course”
“I feel I am able to read the surf conditions better to hopefully make sound judgements.
I reckon I could do a motor roll over procedure in my sleep now”
I would like to again thank the trainers who assisted in the delivery of this camp. Without them, this camp would not be possible.
Alan (Aquamole) Hailes
Mark Bain
Darrell Clark
Evan Richter
Liam Comber
“We love training this camp every year and look forward to training the next lot of IRBC’s at Easter”
Terry Aslanidis
Chief Instructor
E: training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Patrol Hours (Final Update)
With 3 weekends left to the season, now is the time to earn those patrolling hours. We have many members close to that 100+ patrol hour mark. Lets finish off the season with a bang!
**Please Note that these hours are not up to date
Patrol Weekends Left
This Weekend
Punchy Penguins (9th & 10th) - 9.5 hours
Easter Long Weekend:
Watermen (15th & 16th) - 12 hours
Islanders (17th & 18th) - 12 hours
Anzac Day Long Weekend:
Sandman (23rd & 24th) - 9.5 hours
Punchy Penguins (25th) - 6 hours
To view the patrol roster for the remainder of the season, click Here
**Please Note: As we start to finalise patrol hours for the season, we want to make sure everything is update. If you believe there are hours missing from your records, please contact Christos - chritosos@gmail.com
Patrol Hours will be finalised on the 30th April 2022
Valuing Volunteers Evening (VVE)
Recognising LSV members and volunteers for their contributions throughout the past season is central to ensuring we can work towards achieving our mission and vision of preventing aquatic related death and injury in Victorian waters.
Valuing Volunteers Events (VVE) are an opportunity for LSV to recognise, thank and reward our lifesaving members.
Volunteers contribute thousands of hours to lifesaving each year in a wide range of roles. In the 2021-22 season more than ever, we have seen how every one of these vital roles has played a significant part within the lifesaving movement.
VVE events are traditionally part of Life Saving Victoria’s annual National Volunteer Week celebrations and applaud the incredible contributions of our diverse, skilled and committed Victorian members.
This years VVE event has been separated into East, Central and West.
Date: 28th May 2022
Location: Cape Patterson SLSC
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
**Please Note: Woolamai Presentation Night will be later that evening.
WBSLSC Sustainability - Social Media
Woolamai’s Sustainability Committee have created an Instagram page for members of the community.
This page aims to promote and share acts of sustainability, as well as keep members up to date on actions our club is taking to look after our beautiful environment.
We would really encourage everyone to follow the page and engage with posts as it will only help the club’s sustainability projects grow and develop.
Link to sustainability committee page on website:
Link to instagram page:
Gerries Patrol
What a year it has been for the Gerries Patrol! Led by legends of the club, Michael Sullivan and Alan McLean, the team have patrolled Woolamai and Smiths Beach over the course of this season as well as assisting some of our patrol groups.
“Their knowledge of the water is invaluable to us younger members. Most of these guys have been at Woolamai for 50 odd years, they have seen it all.”

“It’s great being on the beach with these legends of the club. They are always investing their time in the younger generation and I’m more than happy to invest my time in keeping them up to date with new training requirements”
Last patrol we had a near record of 10 plus Gerries, Junior Gerries & Baby Gerries patrol at Smiths. It was also also great to have the Bass RWC’s visit.
Operators Hamish Derricks and Max Eldridge took the pleasure of showing the patrol how the RWC’s are a key part of Woolamai’s rescue capabilities, as well as inviting them to be on the sled.
The Gerries patrol have had their 5th and final patrol of the season at Smiths Beach this weekend (9th April) followed by a wonderful ribs night, organised by Rob Williams (Seal). The Training team have also organised a Side-By-Side Vehicle (SSV) course to be run before patrol on Saturday. See pictures below!
“The Gerries probably have the most enjoyable patrol of all. They’re out swimming in the water all day, difficult to tie down on the beach and good luck getting them to carry a radio”
Inaugural Red Carpet Night - Hosted by the Waterman Patrol
Waterman Patrol hosted their ‘Inaugural Red Carpet Night’ and It was an absolutely glamorous night filled with food, cameras, music and BEAUTIFUL people.
A massive thanks to Michael Butler who did not disappoint, cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
Also to Jordan Kuerschner and Terry Aslanidis for their amazing photography (some of their many photographs posted above).
And a BIG Thankyou to the Waterman Leadership Team for organising and hosting the night. To say it was anything but BRILLIANT is an understatement.
To view more photos from the event, visit our Photo Gallery - https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/photo-gallery
2022 LSV U13 Development Camp
The 2022 LSV U13 Development Camp was held at YMCA Lake Dewar on March 18-20.
Woolamai Beach SLSC had the following attendees -
Abbey Clarke
Grace Murphy
Overall, it was a fantastic camp with 67 amazing youth members attending across 27 clubs.
This is the largest U13 camp that LSV has delivered!
The participants were split across five groups which were led by 12 LSV volunteer leaders, who all gave up their weekend to assist to develop our youth members.
The U13 Camp is an opportunity for youth members to develop their interpersonal skills, broaden their understanding of lifesaving and support participants as they progress through their lifesaving journey.
Camp Objectives
Develop participants confidence, communication and team work skills
Broaden participants understanding of lifesaving
Facilitate an environment to develop a network of friends across the state
Introduction to the foundations of leadership
Provide a safe environment to participate in new experiences
Participants were involved in numerous activities across the weekend, these included -
Leadership Tunnelling System, Raft Building, Initiatives Trail, First Aid Scenarios, Lifesaving Pathways, the Lake Dewar Amazing Race plus more.
All activities are designed for the participants to learn from in a fun, safe and inclusive environment.
See the above pictures of our members!
Left to right (Abbey Clarke, Ellie Ryan, Grace Murphy, Michael Butler)
Position needed - Club Merchandise Officer!
Are you our new Club Merchandise Officer? Fi Blackmore is stepping down at the end of this season after four years, & is keen to hear from anyone who's up for picking up this voluntary role. Patrol uniforms & club gear, like hoodies, bathers and trackies are covered by this position, & having access to these clothes is valued by club members across all ages & stages. It's a role that can be spread over the season, & doesn't require a lifesaving background. The role could be split into just patrol uniforms, to support our camps & patrolling members, & merchandise gear (hoodies etc). Our gear is due for a refresh, so it's a great opportunity for someone new to take a different approach. Interested, & like to know more? Contact Fi on merchandise@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Fi would also love some help before Easter for stocktake. Please email her if you can spare a few hours on a weekend.
Want a segment in next Month’s newsletter?
Hi all,
If anyone would like to submit something for next month, the best way to do this is send me an email at communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au with a title for the segment, and text of what you’d like to be included as well as any pictures or images and I’ll be sure to add it in.
Deadline for May’s Newsletter - 8th of May
I hope everyone enjoys the last few weeks of Summer and has a smooth transition back to school or work life!
Ryan Box - Director of Communications