Woolamai Newsletter - November Edition
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
In this Edition:
President’s Report
Lifesaving Services Update (2021/2022 patrol roster)
Board Update
Training Update
Member development opportunities: Internal
Member development opportunities: External
Presentation Night
How to purchase uniforms and merchandise
WBSLSC Spring Clean - Sunday 14/11/21
Woolamai Gender Diversity Survey
Development Fund Board Update
What we got up to this past month
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
How to get a segment in next Month’s Newsletter
President’s Report
Hi Wooli Family,
Quick update from the President this month
With the season ahead rapidly approaching its time to renew your membership and certifications. Thank-you to the training and memberships team again this year as the COVID compliance requirements to run training courses and skills maintenance are enormous. To all members, please pay your memberships, enrol in your required courses as soon as possible to allow the training team to organise trainers for the courses.
Please note we have enormous demand for bronze courses at present with over 100 members waiting for a course position. Unfortunately LSV have overly restrictive policies for running courses restricting the number of participants to 16. Along with a number of other clubs we are pressuring LSV to remove this restriction. We are doing everything possible to qualify new bronzies as they are the future of the club and we will release further information as soon as it becomes available.
While talking COVID requirements, can all members please ensure they have loaded their COVID certificate into the LSV website at https://vacstatus.lsv.com.au. The systems at LSV are currently being upgraded and your vaccination status will be automatically checked when using LIMSOC (eg, when logging onto patrol), Member training and the nipper app. For those members who are unable or unwilling to get vaccinated you are still able to renew your membership and be involved with the club through virtual events, receive club notifications and there is always virtual work that can be done for the club such as administration, running courses or helping with Surfguard.
Finally, several board members, including myself, will be stepping down at next years AGM. If you are interested in a board position and would like to know more then please reach out to me at president@woolamaibeach.asn.au or 0418 404 063.
See you on the beach
Mark Bain - President Email: president@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Lifesaving Services Update
It's getting close to our first weekend on the beach for what's shaping up to be a ripping Wooli Summer.
The 21/22 Season Patrol Roster has been released and can be viewed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XeS7-8rTXqnkHSKPcxV2Uln9jsT2qH7P/view
You can also view it on the website HERE
Exciting things to highlight on the roster include:
Club Captains Patrol: Lead by the club captain, this patrol is a chance for the 5+ patrolling veterans and members of the lifesaving services team to get together for a day on the beach!
Rainbow Zinc: A chance for all our clubbies to get together on the beach and show their support for the LGBTQIA+ community.
Blue Zinc: The male lead patrol supporting men's mental health. Whilst the lads are taking the lead today, all are welcome to get down to patrol and show their support!
Pink Zinc: The female lead patrol supporting Breast Cancer Research. Whilst the ladies are taking the lead today, all are welcome to get down to patrol and show their support!
Club Bunkhouse & Residence for Patrolling Members:
We have received word this season that our bunkhouse restrictions will almost certainly be lifted as we reach the 90% double vaccination milestone, meaning we'll have full use of all our beds this season - there will be no need to book your place in advance this season.
The residence will also be available to patrolling members throughout the season for those looking for an alternative to the clubhouse bunkrooms.
Information on how to gain access to the residence for patrolling members will be released through the coming weekly club updates.
See you all on the beach real soon!
Josh Cottier - Director, Lifesaving Services
Email: lifesavingservices@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Board Update
President - Mark Bain
See above
Vice President - Max Eldridge
We continue to plan for our coming Special Events for the season 2021/2022. We are very excited that it looks like these can occur again. I am sure many members will love to jump in the water again and help with water safety for the Bass Coast Series.
Vice President - Stafford Smith
No update
Administration and Finance - Adrian Koller
No update
Lifesaving Services (Club Captain) - Josh Cottier
See above
Member Development - Brendan Smart
Grants Update:
Received $21,948.50 from the Geoffrey Evans Trust for a new IRB and IRB motor, which are anticipated to be received before the season start. Thank you very much to the Geoffrey Evans Trust for their support and Mike Whittaker for his help with the grant application.
Received $15,000 plus GST from the Beach Safety Equipment Fund. Thank you to the Australian Government for their support.
Received $1,958 from the Bass Coast Shire Council for first aid training equipment. Thank you to the Bass Coast Shire Council for their support.
Received a second mobility chair for Woolamai from an anonymous donor. Thank you to the anonymous donor for their support.
In discussions with Bass Coast Shire Council and Phillip Island Nature Parks about getting fresh running water plumbed to the Smith Beach Rescue Base. Thank you to Derek Hibbert from the Bass Coast Shire Council and Phillip Island Nature Park for their ongoing support of this project.
Received $157,500 from the Building Better Regions Fund for sandwords around the Clubhouse. Woolamai Beach Surf Life Saving Club will be contributing an additional $88,950 and Phillip Island Nature Parks will be contributing an additional $66,550 to the project. Thank you to the Australian Government and Phillip Island Nature Parks for their support and Jason Close, Stafford Smith, John Thompson and Georgie Wettenhall for their ongoing contribution to the project
Training Update:
Refer to the the below segment and latest weekly update for the latest training update.
Assets - Darrell Clark
See below for the expansion works currently being done on the Clubhouse
Junior Development (Nippers) - Charles Tuchtan
Nippers registrations went out successfully
Nippers Newsletter can be found HERE
Communications - Ryan Box
Creation of a Monthly Newsletter submission system - Emails to be sent to communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au by 8th of December for inclusion in next Month’s Newsletter.
Member Engagement and Retention - Hugo Richter
No update
Diversity - Annie Coleman
The Diversity Portfolio is very excited to participate in Woolamai’s first Rainbow Zinc patrol on Saturday the 22nd of January, to support the LGBTQIA+ community. We are looking for PCs and VPCs for the day, so if you would like to get involved in the organising and running of this patrol please get in contact with us.
We are continuing our work on Woolamai’s internal review of the Club’s Gender Diversity, Balance, and Inclusivity. We have released a short survey for all members to complete on their experiences in leadership and development opportunities at the Club and look forward to hearing everyone’s experiences and thoughts.
Training Update
Skills Maintenance
Skills Maintenance Sessions are now LIVE on the Member Training Portal. Please ensure that you complete the following before booking into a skills maintenance practical.
2) Ensure you have a valid WWCC as at 1/11/21
3) Ensure you are double vaxed and have filled in the vaccination status form
Practical Sessions at Woolamai 2021/22 Season
27th & 28th November
4th & 5th December
11th & 12th December
18th & 19th December
Session Times:
1. 9:00am - 11:00am
2. 11:45am - 1:45pm
3. 2:30pm - 4:30 pm
Additional Sessions Listed
(Please DO NOT register for the below)
Sunday 21st November - For PC’s ONLY
Friday 10th December - For UHS Students & Staff ONLY
Friday 17th December - Island Surfboards ONLY
If you are unable to Book into a practical, it could be the result of a number of things. Please check the top Bar on the Training Portal to ensure that your Club ID says WOL and your Vaccination Status says Fully Vaccinated
Upcoming Courses
There are still a number of spots on our Bronze and SRC courses for those wishing to obtain these awards this year. Just a reminder, these are the only courses we will be providing this year.
November Bronze Course
Group A: 4 Spots Remaining
Group B: 10 Spots Remaining
For more information on the November Bronze Medallion Course, click HERE
December Bronze Course
Group A: Full
Group B: 10 Full
SRC Course #1 (29th Dec - 1st Jan)
Group A: Full
Group B: 1 Spot Remaining
For more information on the SRC Course, click HERE
SRC Course #2 (2nd - 5th Jan)
Group A: Full
Group B: 8 Spots Remaining
For more information on the SRC Course, click HERE
For more information about our course, please contact training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Terry Aslanidis - Chief Instructor
Email: woolamaichiefinstructor@gmail.com
Member Development Opportunities - Internal
This season we will be introducing some new and exciting development sessions throughout the season and leading into the off season for our members. If you are interested in participating in any session, please fill out this form https://forms.gle/6ynKDK5ZnccGKUR27 so we can gauge numbers. Details on each event will be communicated in the weekly updates throughout the season.
Board Skills Sessions
The Board Skills sessions will be a great opportunity for those who are looking to improve on their board paddling skills in the surf. These sessions will be run in January/February by experience board paddlers in the club and is open to all experience levels. If you want to learn how to catch waves but are not confident in the surf, than this is the session for you!
IRB Master Class
The IRB Master Class sessions will be a great opportunity for those who are looking to improve on their driving ability at Woolamai. Having had a huge amount of IRBD experience at Woolamai and around the state, we are very excited to announce Alan Aquamole Hailes taking on the role of the Manager - IRB Standards.
The IRB Master Class will be run in later part of the season where participants will be exposed to some challenging conditions, different beaches and learn more about the equipment which may not have been taught on the IRB Camp.
Emergency Management Training Sessions
The emergency response team is a group of highly experienced and skilled club members who can be called upon to respond to assist to coastal emergencies in the Phillip Island and surrounding region at any time of the day!
In joining the emergency response team you will be expected to partake in additional annual emergency response training which will include call out scenario based sessions on/ around the Phillip Island coastline - these will be a hell of a lot of fun and will help take your lifesaving skillset to the next level!
If you want to be a part of the Woolamai Emergency Response Team, please contact Matt Hall - Manager, Emergency Response
Email: emergencyresponse@woolamaibeach.asn.au
The Seals Program is a specialised surf lifesaving program which is an integrated & structured pathway for the personal and professional development of Woolamai Beach SLSC members. The Program is held in the off-season (usually once a month for 4-5 months). During the program you will be exposed to a number of guest speakers, leadership self development and be offered to complete the Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue (SMAR) and Silver Medallion Beach Management (SMBM) Awards. For more information, please see the Seal’s Program Pathway Page HERE
Exchange Program
Woolamai Beach SLSC is proud to announce a new partnership with Surfers Paradise SLSC (QLD), where we aim to provide an exchange program for members wishing to progress further in their lifesaving careers. At this stage, we will NOT be conducting the program in the 2021/22 season however we are very exited to plan for the 2022/23 season.
The Exchange Program is a 3–4 day program, where both clubs will visit each other once throughout the season and is designed for future leaders of our club who wish to develop and build on their leadership skills and network with like-minded members across the country to discuss some of the challenges everyday lifesavers face.
For more information regarding these development opportunities, please contact Brendan Smart.
Brendan Smart - Director, Member Development
Email: memberdevelopment@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Member Development Opportunities - External
2021 Youth Symposium
Hi all,
The LSVj Advisory Committee is very excited to be hosting the 2021 Youth Symposium at LSV HQ on Saturday November 20.
The Symposium will bring together youth members from across Victoria for a day of much needed connection, fun, and empowerment through delivery of keynote speakers, leadership development activities and a platform to discuss the big issues facing our youth members. The day promises to enrich, challenge and facilitate our leaders of tomorrow with valuable leadership and communications skills.
The jam-packed program also features keynote speakers from sport, leadership development and our lifesaving role models.. The day will conclude with a development challenge, with our youth members encouraged to design a program or initiative that will help impact an identified need by one of the four executive councils.
Have a look at a video by the committee HERE See if you can spot some of our Wooli members!
Event Highlights:
Chris Perrott; Portsea SLSC - 2021 Victorian Lifesaver of the Year - Pathways and Opportunities
Hannah Tzimokas; Woolamai SLSC - 2020 Lifeguard of the Year - Overcoming Challenges
Skill session with Chris and Hannah
Mini Amazing Race/Activation Stations
Leadership session hosted by Success Integrated
Innovation Challenge
Free event for all youth members aged 13-17 years -
Event Date: Saturday November 20
Location: Life Saving Victoria, 200 The Boulevard Port Melbourne, 3207
Time: 9:15am - 4:30pm (Arrival from 9:00am)
Registration: https://www.trybooking.com/BUFAP
Presentation Night
Dear Members,
We are very excited to announce that Presentation Night will be held on the 13th November @ 6pm online so SAVE THE DATE!! It has been a very long time coming and we are very excited to celebrate members achievements during the 2020/21 season.
Date: 13th November 2021
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm (formalities starting at 6:15pm)
Location: Online via Teams
To join into the Presentation Night, please use the below link. You will be able to join in at 6pm with the presentation night starting at 6:15pm.
We hope to see as many of you online! Bring on the summer of 2021/22!!
How to Purchase Merchandise for the 2021/2022 Season
Information on patrol uniforms and merchandise at Woolamai Beach SLSC for the 2021/2022 season
Hi everyone,
Welcome to the 2021-2 Season!
If you need to organise patrol uniforms or club merchandise, here’s what to do.
Please note that this service is run by volunteers. New helpers are welcome!
Patrol uniforms
If you’re doing your Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) or Bronze Medallion this season, your core patrol uniform items – shirt, shorts & cap – will be provided to you on successful completion of your course.
If you need additional items or you’re not doing SRC or Bronze, you can purchase some items from the club directly, and some from Surf Lifesaving Australia (SLSA). You must hold a current patrolling award in order to purchase patrol uniform items.
Patrol uniform items you can buy directly from the club:
Hat (straw)
Cap (peaked)
Hat (wide brim)
Red trackies (WBSLSC logo)
To order patrol items, go to https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/merchandise (or go to the club’s website then Home/Merchandise). A click and collect service will operate during school holiday periods and on weekends between December – April, with items to be collected from the clubhouse. Unfortunately no postal delivery is available, as the cost generally exceeds the value of items purchased.
From time to time, additional patrol uniform items can be purchased via the club as part of a group/bulk order (eg waterproof jackets). These can be arranged on a patrol basis and will occasionally be advertised on the Club’s Facebook page.
In person purchases can be made on busy club days, such as the final days of the SRC and Bronze Medallion courses, requal day and key events. These days will be publicised on the Club’s Facebook page.
Patrol uniform items you can buy from SLSA:
Hat (straw)
Cap (peaked)
Hat (wide brim)
Red trackies (SLS logo)
Red hoodie
Waterproof jacket
Waist bag
Red bathers
To order, go to https://sls.com.au/ & click on the Members tab. Log in with your SLSA member details (create an account if you don’t have one). Click on the Memberships tab, then Member Store. Click on The Members Online Shop button. A delivery fee will be applied and SLSA will post your order to you directly (via Australia Post). Note that if you’ve not paid your membership yet, you won’t be able to view the patrol items and instead will only see the public SLSA online store.
Club merchandise
A wide range of Club merchandise can be purchased directly from the club, and includes:
Trackies (gray)
Long sleeved black tops
Baseball caps
Club caps
Generally both adults and kids sizes are available. However there may be some shortages given logistical/supply issues caused by the COVID pandemic or where an item’s being phased out.
To order merchandise items, go to https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/merchandise (or go to the club’s website then Home/Merchandise). A click and collect service will operate during school holiday periods and on weekends between December – April, with items to be collected from the clubhouse. Unfortunately no postal delivery is available, as the cost generally exceeds the value of items purchased.
In person purchases can be made on busy club days, such as Nippers, the final days of the SRC and Bronze Medallion courses, requal day and key events. These days will be publicised on the Club’s Facebook page.
If you have any questions on patrol uniforms or club merchandise, please email merchandise@woolamaibeach.asn.au (note new email address!).
Fi Blackmore
Merchandise Officer
WBSLSC Spring Clean - Sunday 14/11/21
Hello members,
You’re invited to attend the WBSLSC Spring Clean 9am-12pm Sunday 14th of November (this Sunday).
How exciting! Long sunny days are ahead people
The clubhouse has had some trendy renovations over the off season and now needs a little tidy up here and there.
Put your hand up for an hour or two to help clean the club up for the awesome season ahead.
This is a fantastic opportunity for younger members to be involved as most of jobs to be done are easy.
As an added incentive we’ll supply lunch to all that help.
Thanks guys! I’ll see you all on the island soon
Michael Butler - Gear Manager
Woolamai Gender Diversity Survey
The Woolamai Beach Surf Lifesaving Club strives for gender diversity, balance and inclusivity at all levels of membership and leadership. Woolamai recognises and values the importance of gender diversity, balance and inclusivity within both our Club community and the wider Phillip Island community. Woolamai has initiated an internal review into the gender diversity of its membership, and its leadership, to identify any barriers or blockers to members fully participating in all aspects of our lifesaving club to ensure a culture of inclusivity in our community .
The Gender Diversity Survey hopes to gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of Woolamai’s community. There are sections where you are able to make comment, and we encourage you to do so. Towards the end of the survey there is option to join a focus group or have an individual phone call to further discuss Woolamai’s Gender Diversity, if you would like to be included please leave your name and contact details in this section.
This survey will take approximately 5 – 10 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions please contact Annie Coleman (diversity@woolamaibeach.asn.au).
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Development Fund Board Update
Hi Everyone,
I’m pleased to provide a quick update on the inception and progress of our new Development Fund Board.
Progress we have made so far:
1. Held our inaugural board meeting (August 4):
a. Reviewed the Club Constitution and discussed our board charter
b. I am delighted to have been elected as Board Chair by the team with Adrian Koller as Board Secretary
c. Confirmed value of funds under Development Fund Board management
d. Sought confirmation of the current Club Strategy for consideration
2. Second board meeting (October 13):
a. Confirmed our new Capital Governance Framework
b. Confirmed future meeting outlines and decision-making process
c. Confirmed process for managing conflicts of interest
d. Scheduled future meetings
Our focus in the next month:
To develop draft options for future investment with a focused working group
Engage Bernd Neubauer & Georgie Wettenhall in Financial and Strategic advisory support to the Board
Plan for broader discussion of investment options with the Club
Best regards,
Rich (aka Wongas)
Development Fund Board Chair
What we got up to this past month
Clubhouse Upgrades
For those of you lucky enough to have been to Phillip Island in the past Month you may have seen some of the upgrades to our Club!
Our Gear and Equipment shed is currently in the process of being expanded, allowing us to have more room to store our call-out and other equipment.
Walking along the side of the club down to the beach you'll also notice a new wall alongside the entrance. This will help keep the sand from piling up as well as having a noticeboard.
Stay tuned for more updates!

“Wild about Wooli” a 50 year History of the Club
Getting excited for the upcoming season after a few months of lockdown and restrictions?
Have a read of Wild about Wooli to learn more about our great club’s history!
Want a segment in next Month’s newsletter?
Hi all,
If anyone would like to submit something for next month, the best way to do this is send me an email at communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au with a title for the segment, and text of what you’d like to be included as well as any pictures or images and I’ll be sure to add it in.
Deadline for December’s Newsletter - 8th of December
Ryan Box - Director of Communications