Woolamai Newsletter - December Edition
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
In this Edition:
Lifesaving Services Update
Board Update
Patrol Times Schedule
Training Update
Skills Maintenance
Club Photos
Wooli Wipeouts
Jams Program
Nippers Water Safety
Club Update
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
How to get a segment in next Month’s Newsletter
Lifesaving Services Update
Its been a busy few months getting ready for the season, but finally we’re back doing what we do best, hoisting up the red and yellow flags, taking care of the community for when they go for a swim at Wooli!
Mid November saw Patrol Captain Training take place at the clubhouse for our PC’s and VPC’s, a one day intensive course to make sure our PC/VPC’s are ready to tackle anything leading a team at Woolamai can throw at them!
The day involved everything from operational training, emergency response scenario discussions, to incredible leadership development sessions ran by Mick Sullivan & Jackson Sinclair.
Shout out to Annie Coleman & Campbell Smart for putting together an awesome day.
The Punchy Penguins kicked off the first weekend of patrolling, throwing a killer disco / karaoke night.
The second weekend of patrols the Gerries hit the sand on the Saturday showing they’re still certainly spring chickens and the Hellfish on the Sunday recorded our first rescue of the season – a tube rescue.
There’s some notable dates coming up on the patrol calendar over the next months which we’d love to see massive turnouts for:
Club Captains Patrol:
Saturday 8th January.
Lead by the club captain, this is a patrol for the lifesaving services team and our 5+ plus patrollers to get together on the beach and enjoy a days patrolling! If you’re keen to get down please get in touch with Josh Cottier – lifesavingservices@woolamaibeach.asn.au.
Rainbow Zinc Patrol:
Saturday 22nd January.
A chance for all our clubbies to get together on the beach and show their support for the LGBTQIA+ community. If you’d love to be involved please reach out to Annie Coleman – diversity@woolamaibeach.asn.au
More info on the above patrols will come out via Facebook events in the coming weeks.
Looking forward to catching you all on the beach!
Josh Cottier - Director, Lifesaving Services
Email: lifesavingservices@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Patrol Captain Training
Punchy’s Penguin’s Dinner
Board Update
President - Mark Bain
No update
Vice President - Max Eldridge
Our Special Events are all systems go for 2021/2022. We are proceeding with the Cowes Classic, Little Penguin Dash and Channel Challenge. Thank you Ron Nicholson and Mick Sullivan for their leadership of this and everyone involved for their continued drive to bring back these events bigger and better this Summer!
Vice President - Stafford Smith
No update
Administration and Finance - Adrian Koller
No update
Lifesaving Services (Club Captain) - Josh Cottier
See above
Member Development - Brendan Smart
Grants Update:
Training Update:
Refer to the latest weekly update
Assets - Darrell Clark
See some of the club works below
Junior Development (Nippers) - Charles Tuchtan
No Update
Communications - Ryan Box
I’m happy to announce that Erin Close has been appointed as the Social Media Coordinator! Stay tuned to see some of her posts as we head further into the season.
There’s been a few new sections added to the website - Have a look under the “Members” Navigation bar to see the 2021/2022 patrol roster as well as the 2021/2022 induction booklet for new members.
Member Engagement and Retention - Hugo Richter
Dear members, planning has begun for some very exciting activities this season. Expect new events that are aimed at engaging you and building stronger connections with all our members. Are you ready to compete against your rival patrol? Are you ready to step up within your own patrol, and help our younger patrollers? Do you want to learn all about pathways within the club and beyond? These are some of the great initiatives we have planned for the upcoming season at Woolamai Beach SLSC! Be safe and have fun this season!
Diversity - Annie Coleman
The Diversity Portfolio is very excited to participate in Woolamai’s first Rainbow Zinc patrol on Saturday the 22nd of January, to support the LGBTQIA+ community. We are looking for PCs and VPCs for the day, so if you would like to get involved in the organising and running of this patrol please get in contact with us.
Patrol Times Schedule
The patrol times infographic is now out and available!
To see your individual patrols roster click HERE or navigate the website. Members —> 2021/2022 Patrol Roster
Any changes throughout the season will be shared on the clubs Public Facebook - Woolamai Beach SLSC
Training Update
Course Update
Over the last 4 months the training and assessing team have delivered 3 Bronze Medallion courses that has seen just under 50 new Bronze Medallion holders to the club. They will be added to our patrols in the coming weeks so make sure to say G’day and make them feel welcomed in the club!
If you have any further question, please don’t hesitate to contact me (Terry Aslanidis) at training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Please see below training updates on the following courses. To view more courses, please click here
September Bronze
- 11 candidates qualified. (11 local members)
November Bronze
- 15 Candidates qualified. (6 local members)
UHS Bronze
- 22 Bronze candidates
- 16 IRBC candidates
- 1 IRBD candidate
Coming up
- December Bronze Camp (0 Spots Available)
- SRC Course #1 (0 Spots Available)
- SRC Course #2 (9 Spots Available)
UHS Bronze Medallion and IRBC camp
Photos courtesy of Grant Nichol and Wendy Hancock

September Bronze
Photo Credit: Michael Butler

November Bronze

Skills Maintenance
Skills maintenance is intended to ensure all patrolling lifesavers remain proficient in their skills and display the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the patrol award criteria.
The 3rd week of Skills maintenance activities are currently underway. To book into a session please follow the below steps:
2) Ensure you have a valid WWCC as at 1/11/21
3) Ensure you are double vaxed and have filled in the vaccination status form
4) Book into a Skills Maintenance Session
There is ONLY 1 more week of sessions that will be held at the club. If you are wanting to patrol this year, please book into the sessions on the 18th December via the Training Portal.
If you have any further question, please don’t hesitate to contact me at training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Terry Aslanidis - Chief Instructor
E: training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Club Photos
Below are some amazing photos of the club taken by Pat Nichol on the UHS camp. To see more of his work and other photos from the week follow him on Instagram @kp_photographs or click HERE

Wooli Wipeouts
The Wooli-Wipeouts are in action once again this Summer with their first event kicking off on the 21st of December.
For more information on the Wooli-Wipeouts have a look at their new page on the website HERE
Below is their planned calendar for the season.
Jams Program
WBSLSC is launching JAMs (Junior Age Managers) @ Nippers
We are thrilled to announce that this year the club launches its JAMs program – the Junior Age Managers program. Designed for recent SRC graduates with a flare for leadership and a love for helping others, JAMs are directly supervised by Nippers Age Managers, and lead and instruct Nippers through each session.
To be a part of the JAMs program, our youth members complete some online training prior to attending a compulsory face-to-face training session at Cleeland Bight Beach (Cape Woolamai) on Tuesday 28 December from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Nippers runs Wed 29 Dec '20 to Wed 5 Jan '21 inclusive, with a break on New Year's Day. JAMs are allocated to a set Nippers age group and receive support and guidance throughout the program.
Are you, or do you know, a youth member who fits the bill? Register interest now at: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSdSc6SKTBX.../viewform...
Nippers Water Safety
Call out for Water Safety @ Nippers
Nippers runs Wed 29 Dec '20 to Wed 5 Jan '21 inclusive, with a break on New Year's Day. Our Water Safety Coordinator this season is Maddie Hungerford, and Stewart Irving will again return as our Water Safety Supervisor.
Water Safety @ Nippers counts towards patrol hours, and is open to SRC holders and Bronzies.
Register your interest HERE:
Maddie will work through people's availability and communicate rosters to those who have registered, so be sure to look out for her messages
Club Updates
Solar Power at Smiths Beach
The Smiths Beach Solar Panels are now fully operational! Partly funded by Westernport Water
Gear Shed Extension progress
The extension of the gear shed is well underway with all 3 roller doors firmly in place.
Noticeboard in action
The noticeboard out the front of the club is now up to date and in use!
Have a look at all the information on it and make use of the QR codes available
Any suggestions for club related information that you’d like to see included on the noticeboard please contact the Director of Communications, Ryan Box e: communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au
“Wild about Wooli” a 50 year History of the Club
With Christmas almost upon us, think about purchasing a copy of “Wild about Wooli”
Want a segment in next Month’s newsletter?
Hi all,
If anyone would like to submit something for next month, the best way to do this is send me an email at communication@woolamaibeach.asn.au with a title for the segment, and text of what you’d like to be included as well as any pictures or images and I’ll be sure to add it in.
Deadline for January’s Newsletter - 8th of January
Ryan Box - Director of Communications