Board Update | August 2020 Meeting
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: Email:
Members of Woolamai Beach SLSC,
Please find below an update from the Board of Woolamai Beach SLSC following our meeting on 12th August 2020. Please remember that is it not possible to provide all notes and information due to the sensitive nature of some discussions. This document provides a snapshot.
Board Reports presented by Board Members:
President (Mark Bain):
Board acknowledges the amazing and dedicated service of Rob Murphy as president for the last four years
I personally thank all life governors, life members, club members, and the broader Woolamai family for their support in being elected President. It is an absolute honor and privilege to hold the position and serve the club
Congratulations to Campbell Smart, Terry Aslanidis and the club for making the LSV award finals and a special mention to Hannah Tzimokas for becoming the Victorian Beach Lifeguard of the year
Welcome returning board members and a special welcome to our new board members
Director Life Saving Services – Josh Cottier
Director Finance and Administration/Club Secretary – Adrian Koller
COVID update
Josh and I attending Weekly meeting with LSV re COVID and advice on financial support, operational impact, nippers program, Events (eg. Channel Challenge), WorkSafe matters and general advice for the club due to COVID impacts
Changes to the role of Vice-President
For this year we have two Vice Presidents:
Stafford Smith (returning)
Max Eldridge
Looking to strengthen the role of VP and distribute the load across a broader number of individuals
Will oversee key relationships such as PINP, school programs, senior members/Gerrys, key stakeholders and other important strategic vendors and member groups
Stafford, Max, Jason and I met last week to discuss a list of initiatives they are keen to undertake (VPs will provide details and list of initiatives in their report)
Provide an avenue for groups to have representation/voice at the board eg. Sustainability
Change to SEALS Program
Rob Murphy will continue to lead SEALS as Manager Life Saving Standards (SEALS)
This program will report into Director Leadership Development
With board approval, I would like to have Ron and Macca attend the Sept board meeting and discuss their thoughts around the future of events
2019/2020 Season Presentation night
Rob M is leading a working group to work out how to run a Virtual Presentation Night for last season
Vice Presidents (Stafford Smith and Max Eldridge):
Stafford Smith, Max Eldridge, Mark Bain, and Jason Close met on the evening of 04th August 2020 to discuss the Vice-Presidential Portfolio moving forward and what goals and areas of focus the team would like to work on. Jason Close has agreed to work within the Vice-Presidential Portfolio to assist the team in any way he can.
The following areas were identified as areas for work:
Stafford’s identified areas of focus:
Member Wellbeing and support- Joint focus between Max and Stafford
PINP and other key stakeholder relationships
Sustainability Committee- working with the team and helping facilitate and promote work (Engaging Georgie Wettenhall to assist leading this)- Noted that Georgie, Louise and Quinn have already been spoken to about this and are very happy with the arrangement
Upwey High School partnership
Max’s identified areas of focus:
Member Wellbeing and support- Joint focus between Max and Stafford
Overseeing and being Board contact for Special Events
Increasing retention of and leadership opportunities for female members- working alongside the Director of Leadership Development- Hannah Tzimokas
Covid-19 Response- working with the President (Mark Bain) and Josh Cottier (Director- Life Saving Services)
Digitizing the Club’s History- working with GC
Club Judicial Committee- working on the establishment of and parameters- Engaging Alan McLean, Brian Whittaker and Neil Hannan
Jason Close’s areas of identified focus:
Building on and working with Mark Donaldson on the Club’s long-term strategic direction and KPIs. Working alongside the President
Life Member and long serving member engagement- working with Vice Presidents and President
Social Membership/Parent Engagement/Bar
The following activities sit in other portfolios but could receive the assistance of Vice President’s and Vice President portfolio members:
Senior Competition- Stafford to assist Director of Competition
Communication and promotion of club and its achievements- Jason to assist Riley
Security System- Max to assist Director of Facilities
The intention of the Vice Presidents and President is to engage other key stakeholders and leaders amongst the club to assist them in these areas of focus.
Director of Finance and Administration/Secretary (Adrian Koller)
Completed handover with Mark Bain over multiple meetings
Working with Rochelle (Executive Support Officer) and James (Bookkeeper) to get up to speed with what is going on
Payment processing will follow the tradition set up by Mark Bain of occurring on Monday evenings unless payments needed back are large and these can be done quicker
Will be catching up with each director individually to set up Budgeting for Season 2020/2021
Director of Life Saving Services/Club Captain (Josh Cottier)
Increased communication/flow of information between the lifesaving services team.
Increased two-way communication between patrolling members and lifesaving equipment officers.
Introduce pre-season and on patrol PC/ VC mentoring program, engage a group of experienced heads to help deliver.
Development of Vice Club Captains
Continue to build on patrol professionalism/discipline.
Implement improved tracking of lifesaving equipment maintenance items and equipment condition.
Review emergency response procedures.
Changes made to Lifesaving Services team structure. Annie & Campbell given increased responsibility this season as Vice Club Captains, Campbell to oversee gear & equipment officers, Annie to oversee patrol captains/ day to day patrols ops. Manager Lifesaving Equipment role is redundant.
Begun locking in PC’s & Equipment Officers
Developing End of Patrol Report for PC’s
Developing Lifesaving Equipment Maintenance Reporting Form available to all members
Developing a Lifesaving Equipment Management spreadsheet includes all current maintenance actions, completed actions, will look to build asset condition register into the sheet.
Director of Facilities/Assets (Darrell Clark)
No changes since the last Board update. Covid-19 restrictions making progress on anything very difficult. Completing emergency works where required.
Getting closer to grant for the front door of the clubhouse.
Catching up with Kane Worthy regarding rusting on Smiths Beach Tower. The Board discussed further action on this and other avenues of follow up that are being instigated
Director of Communications (Riley Fyffe)
Spoke with Troy Ross and we agreed on improved programs of communication between life members and younger members of the club.
To help build this relationship we will be highlighting our life members and experienced members on Wednesday Woolimites and they will each provide a 1 min video.
Annual Reports completed
Jason Close written article about AOE,
Posted article on the website and will contact SR Advertiser for publishing.
Created courses tab on the website
Bronze and SRC EOI forms created
Contacted FCW with merchandise designs.
They have given us a cost price for each item. FCW will be creating a payment system on their website so members can pre-order merchandise before the season.
Awaiting samples.
General comms (Youth Innovation Challenge, LSV awards of Excellence
Mentorship tab created on members of Woolamai Beach Facebook group
WBSLSC acknowledgment to aboriginal and Torres strait islanders’ people as traditional custodians of the land published on the website.
Director of Member Development (Brendan Smart)
Woolamai off-season online program grant application (see appendix 1)
Received $10K air conditioner grant
One new air conditioner for Training Room, two new air conditioners for the bar area
Pending front door and FOB grant (estimate early October)
Director of Nippers (Charles Tuchtan)
Committee meeting held on Tuesday 28 July, discussions include:
Scenario planning for a Nippers program in a COVID-19 environment
Budget development (see decision paper)
Fundraising activities when businesses are people are ‘doing it tough’
Better alignment of Nipper financial recording to the Clubs.
Growing the nippers committee
23 November proposed new registration date.
Tuesday 29 December - Tuesday 5 January proposed Nippers program.
17 August LSV’s Nippers Collaboration Group – COVID-19 discussion
Purchase consumables
Write sponsorship proposals
Work with Riley Fyffe on nipper registration
Work with AJ on financial recording
Director of Competition (Jeremy Goodger)
Winter competition season canceled
No decision by LSV regarding upcoming competition season
Potential of smaller regional carnivals hinted at in LSV recent survey
Hopefully in the next few months, more clarity will be given about the upcoming season
Aiming Secure purchase/grant of belt and reel for junior carnivals
Director of Leadership Development (Hannah Tzimokas)
Started planning Bronze Camp 2020 (with the realistic view that it may not go ahead)
Researching and trying to book in a mental health first aid talk/course for our members
Given the current climate, this is quite difficult
Other programs and work are all unfortunately on hold due to Covid-19
Decision Papers presented to the Board
Nippers funding budget- presented by Charles Tuchtan
Will continue to assess the COVID-19 situation.
$13,800 can be spent until further discussion. All in favor.
Wild about Wooli publication- presented by Max Eldridge on behalf of Graeme Clausen and Kevin Pidgeon
Agreed to approve the printing of the publication
Some questions about sales of the book, Max Eldridge has contacted Kevin and Graeme to clarify
Urgent/General business presented to the Board:
Next Meeting:
September 2020
Ron Nicholson and Alan McLean (Life Governors) have been invited to attend to discuss Special Events for 2020/2021
October 2020
John Thompson (Life Governor) has been invited to attend to discuss PINP work