Board Update | October 2020 Meeting
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: Email:
Members of Woolamai Beach SLSC,
Please find below an update from the Board of Woolamai Beach SLSC following our meeting on 7th October 2020. Please remember that is it not possible to provide all notes and information due to the sensitive nature of some discussions. This document provides a snapshot. Josh Smith (Chief Instructor) and Terry Aslanidis (Vice-Chief Instructor) attended the meeting to provide an update on Skills Maintenance and Training for the season ahead.
Before Board Reports were presented the President acknowledge and welcomed John Thomson (Life Governor) and Ben Driscoll (Phillip Island Nature Parks) to the meeting. Ben presented on PINP’s work and management plan in the short term for sand around the clubhouse.
Ben and John, along with Stafford Smith, presented a project plan for sand management for the upcoming summer, with a view to a longer-term plan moving forward
The plan was well considered and supported by the Board of Woolamai Beach SLSC.
Ben noted the strong relationship we have developed and that there is much work to be done, but it certainly can be achieved
Board Reports presented by Board Members:
President (Mark Bain):
COVID update
Weekly LSV COVID meetings now completed. On-going updates possibly fortnightly via CLC Presidents meetings (TBC)
Sub-committee formed and starting to understand scope of requirements and impact across the club
Discussed events with internal stakeholders and LSV (refer correspondence to Ron N et al)
Reviewed financial impact with AJ
PINP relationship and update
With board approval, I would like to invite John Thomson to the October board meeting to present with Stafford Smith PINP update including, progress on long-term strategy, dune activity, and COVID-19 impact
2019/2020 Season Presentation night
Isabella, Will & Dani organizing committee with support from Annie & Campbell. Looking to hold on-line event close to starting of the season
Vice Presidents (Stafford Smith and Max Eldridge):
Following our second meeting on 18th Sept, a plan for this season’s work was presented for the group’s discussion and approval.
Ben Driscoll (PINP) will attend tonight’s meeting to present the plan and an overview of the master plan to the Board and to answer any questions and concerns. John Thompson will also attend tonight’s meeting to help present and explain the Club’s position on these recommendations.
Sustainability Group- Sept meeting
Minutes located on their Facebook page
Encouraging to see the growth of the Sustainability group. 72 FB members
Presentation from a representative of Sth Melb LSC on their eco-friendly clubhouse strategies
Group has created a spreadsheet of all goals and expected tasks required to achieve their goals. They are in the process of assigning these responsibilities to subcommittees.
I am very much encouraged by the great work and look forward to their presentation of this plan at the Nov Board meeting.
Well Being
Kai Lind uploaded a second fitness and conditioning video on Upwey and Woolamai member sites. Feedback has been positive
Upwey Partnership.
All Upwey staff attended the Bronze induction training despite having a third application for TOC’s denied by LSV
Swim training commences on Mon 12th Oct for the new squad and current Yr 11 and 12 students
Latest Govt. and DET regulations still ban school camps but hoping for some relief in the coming weeks
LSV Covid rules will make the delivery of this program very difficult but Upwey staff will continue working towards obtaining 22 new Bronzies.
Unlikely to provide for the IRB crew training and course delivery
Mallacoota Caravan
We are very close to completing the project
Huge thanks to Max Eldridge, Paul Eldridge, Darrell Clark, Sean Carney, Chris Ellis, Ryan Andreola, and Kelly Creighton.
Need to arrange letters of appreciation for Companies and individuals via the club
Plans are being arranged for delivery 30th Oct - 1st Nov weekend
Judicial Committee
Met with the group for this first time last two weeks ago, meeting tomorrow night (Thursday)
Going well and believe we have an agreed focus
Club Fob and Security- is there any update on the grant application to purchase new FOBs?
Clarified that we are awaiting a grant approval
Member Protection Officers- Annie and Campbell sent out a club-wide update on their role
Long Service Awards
Have worked with Troy Ross to identify individuals who deserved the awards
Over 20 long service in both categories of patrol service award and long service award
RWC Lifeguards update
Nov 28th-Dec 24th- Bass Jet Skis will be staffed by Volunteers, as normal, weekends and P/H
Dec 26th- Jan 26th (Peak season)- Bass Jet Skis will be staffed by Paid Lifeguards, 7 days a week
Jan 27th- 28th Feb and Easter Weekend- Bass Jet Skis will be staffed by Volunteers, as normal on weekends and P/H
The Board wishes to thank Briana Newson at LSV for her productive work with us in this area, Briana has been incredibly supportive and key to this occurring.
Special Events
Awaiting final call in early November
Director of Finance and Administration/Secretary (Adrian Koller):
Development of club finance forecast for the season
Expected overall net loss of $37k for the season.
Rochelle investigated the cleaner’s availability. Are available to increase clean of the club to once per week.
Neil Hannan advised that it is the kiosk’s responsibility to COVID clean their leased space.
Major Account Activity (past 30 days)
No major account activity
The current total in the main account is strong
Director of Life Saving Services/Club Captain (Josh Cottier):
The Director was unable to attend due to personal circumstances. However, Max Eldridge (VP) provided an update from what he was aware of from conversations with the Director.
The Director attended the club with Campbell Smart and Jesse Heymann (with worker’s permits) recently to go through gear and equipment recently to make sure we were ready for the season
Patrol roster is being planned for, however, this is difficult given the non-release of LSV’s operations Covid Guide
Patrol Captains and Gear Officers meeting this coming Sunday to discuss operations for the season
Director of Facilities/Assets (Darrell Clark):
Not much progress able from the last report, due to Covid situation
Air Conditioners in Training Room, Tower and Bar area should hopefully be installed in the coming couple of weeks
Director of Member Development (Brendan Smart):
Chief Instructor Update – Josh Smith to join the Board Meeting and provide the Board with a Chief Instructor update.
Maddy Reynolds and Erin Close appointed as Training Equipment Officers, reporting to Josh Smith from a Member Development perspective and Campbell Smart from a Lifesaving Services point of view and working closely with Brendan, Terry, Trainers, Assessors, Facilitators and Camp/Course Co-ordinators.
LSV critical repairs and maintenance grant submitted
Funding requested: $ 425,417.40
Additional contribution (if any): $0.00
Total project cost: $425,417.40
Director of Competition (Jeremy Goodger):
No decision by LSV regarding the upcoming competition season
Hopefully in the next few months, more clarity will be given about the upcoming season
Director of Communications (Riley Fyffe):
Created a domain management account on GoDaddy for all club related websites. Thank you, Greg Harbour, for transferring the domains across.
Renewed our subscription for the next 3 years.
Contacted Mike Whittaker to redirect to, finding some issues transferring.
Created Program and Volunteer Pathways section on the club website
Linked Squarespace SEO with Google business
Twitter Account updated
Published Wednesday Woolimite featuring Alan McLean
Bookings Tab on the website created
Created redirect for all our domains.
Created EOI for all club related roles
Spoke with Andrew from FCW regarding merchandise. They were shut down during COVID- 19 but are now back open. Scheduled to pick up merchandise samples on 12th October.
New Bass Coast Series website. This is through SquareSpace. (approx. $350 annual fee
Sent out an October update
Given winner of PICAL raffle prize. Raised $250 for their foodbank.
Director of Nippers (Charles Tuchtan):
Nippers Committee meeting held on 26th September and worked on the modified Nippers program. Meeting with LSV one on one in coming days to check that program meets requirements
Softmed has donated Woolamai Nippers and the Club 5000 ‘Surgical Masks’.
See Decision Papers for proposal on adjusted Nippers Budget
Director of Leadership Development (Hannah Tzimokas):
Have created 2 contingency options for bronze camp 2020 in response to the current COVID situation. The decision to be finalized during the board meeting
Taken over the Woolamai female development Facebook group from Shannah Anderson
Reached out to female members to see how I can better support them
Started application process for the change our game grant
Decision Papers presented to the Board:
A decision paper was presented on an adjusted Nippers Budget for the season of 2020/2021
This was approved by the Board
A decision paper was held over until November for the extension of the Shed at the residence, owing to us waiting on the outcome of a Grant application
Urgent/General business presented to the Board:
As mentioned previously at the beginning of the meeting Ben Driscoll (PINP) and John Thomson (Life Governor) joined the meeting and discussed matters relating to sand movement and management at the Clubhouse
Josh Smith (Chief Instructor) and Terry Aslanidis (Vice-Chief Instructor) attended the meeting to provide an update on Skills Maintenance and Training for the season ahead.
12 candidates per course maximum.
1 lead trainer, covid overseer, and 2 water safety.
First aid – one manikin per person. Infant manikin included.
If in metro Melbourne, can’t travel to regional areas to do skills maintenance.
Reduced requal conditions for awards.
SRC and Bronze camps are currently in doubt, but this currently being worked on
Next Meeting:
November 2020