Board Update | September 2020 Meeting
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: Email:
Members of Woolamai Beach SLSC,
Please find below an update from the Board of Woolamai Beach SLSC following our meeting on 9th September 2020. Please remember that is it not possible to provide all notes and information due to the sensitive nature of some discussions. This document provides a snapshot.
Board Reports presented by Board Members:
Before Board Reports were presented the President acknowledge and welcomed Alan McLean (Life Governor) and Ron Nicholson (Life Governor) to the meeting. Alan and Ron were asked to discuss the Special Events for the coming season.
Ron raised that Cowes Football Club (CFC) is not keen to run the Cowes Classic Events due to sponsorship issues, concerns for their members and sourcing T-Shirts/Merchandise, etc.
WBSLSC cannot run this event by ourselves, CFC completes 80% of the groundwork before, and during the day
Ron has contacted Cape Paterson SLSC who is keen to keep the Aquathon going. Reduced fees scheme with limited sponsorship, they are currently working on their permits
If restrictions are too tight or it poses a significant risk at the time (January) it may need to be canceled
Alan suggested that a smaller event for Channel Challenge could be run and acknowledges that the Cowes Classic is not possible this season. Running the Channel Challenge would be key to supporting the local community. Council are supportive in running the event
Looking at alternative options on how to run the event, as well as incorporating Little Penguin Dash
Ron is looking into CFC supporting the event, as well as sharing some proceeds to continue the strong working relationship CFC and WBSLSC have
Follow this discussion Ron Nicholson departed the meeting whilst Alan McLean remained for the rest of the meeting.
President (Mark Bain):
COVID update
Josh and I attending Weekly meeting with LSV re COVID and advice on financial support, operational impact, nippers program, Events (eg. Channel Challenge), WorkSafe matters, and general advice for the club due to COVID impacts
Monday 14th Sept LSV will be releasing the COVID-19 Operational Plan Template
Each club must adapt and complete the operational plan template for their own club's unique circumstances
Establishing the COVID-19 sub-committee to prepare an operational plan, assist with implementation, communication, and guidance.
Would be beneficial to have a representative from each patrol group in the sub-committee.
PINP relationship and update
With Board approval, I would like to invite John Thomson to the October board meeting to present with Stafford Smith PINP update including, progress on long-term strategy, dune activity, and COVID-19 impact - Approved
2019/2020 Season Presentation night
Rob M is leading a working group to work out how to run a Virtual Presentation Night for last season. Work in Process will have further details by 15th Sept following the release of the LSV Guide
Vice Presidents (Stafford Smith and Max Eldridge):
Max Eldridge:
Grant opportunity
Looking at getting Grant for shade shelter, like the marquees we use for the beach, in Woolamai Beach colors, etc.
Also looking at bunting, star pickets, and other things
Shannah Anderson approached Hannah and me via email about using a Facebook platform that is already in existence and providing support where she can for female leadership development
Covid-19 Response- working with the President (Mark Bain) and Josh Cottier (Director- Life-Saving Services)
The membership section is almost ready to go. Riley has created a form via the Club Website that can be filled out for those unable to pay at all. Terry is working on finishing off the payment portal
Digitizing the Club’s History- working with GC
Have contacted GC about finding a permanent home for Club History content, working on this for the grant as well
Club Judicial Committee- working on the establishment of and parameters
Hoping to meet with Neil Hannan, Georgie Wettenhall, Brian Whittaker, Troy Ross, Mick Sullivan, Alan McLean, Annie Coleman, and Campbell Smart after September 18th
Annie and Campbell are also very keen to promote their role more as Member Protection Officers
Darrell Clark also indicated he is keen to work in this space, based on his experience outside of SLS
Stafford Smith:
Phillip Island Nature Parks
Initial meeting 14th August with reps from Woolamai, PINP and DELWP to discuss both short and long term solutions to sand and dune issues.
Bill Storer (DELWP) had an onsite meeting within the past 2 weeks and has come up with some plans and ideas to solve some of the issues and will be presenting them at a follow-up meeting on Friday 11th Sept.
Ben Driscoll (PINP) has offered to attend our next Board meeting to discuss the plans going forward once decisions are made at Friday’s meeting
Sustainability Group
Online meeting held to set goals for the upcoming season
Monthly meeting with minutes to be presented at our Board meetings
Actions for 2020/2021 season:
Reduction of power usage by 20%
Set up a practical waste system
Community education within our club
Regular Beach cleanups
Sustainability rewards for patrol competition award
Implementation strategies to reduce water and electricity consumption and waste
Well Being
Kai Linde posted a fitness and conditioning video on Upwey and Woolamai member sites to help members in lockdown, prepare for the upcoming season. He will do updates to these before the season.
Upwey Partnership
Classes being held remotely
Hopes are we will commence a modified swim program
Planning for students to obtain their Bronze and patrol over summer with a camp or daily excursion to Woolamai to facilitate training and assessment
Mallacoota Caravan
The second Lockdown has bought all work to a halt.
Work permits organized through LSV to commence within days
All work being undertaken by Woolamai and X Woolamai members voluntarily
Hopeful of a late October delivery to Mallacoota SLSC
Director of Finance and Administration/Secretary (Adrian Koller)
Not much to report given the current situation, still ensuring that building on the financial position that we are currently in
Progressing budgets.
Major Account Activity (past 30 days)
Received LSV admin grant - $8,250
Received $10k for A/C grant
Director of Life Saving Services/Club Captain (Josh Cottier)
Patrol Captains Applications open: Islanders & Mighty Ducks. Thanks to outgoing PC’s Alanna Broderick, Shannon McRobert, Lachy Gray & Holly Drakeford.
VPC applications to follow.
VESEP Grant: Grants being sought for new ATV & Call out. No 6 wheeler options available for ATV
ATV: Requires replacement if not before then as soon as possible during the season, best case scenario VESEP application is successful. ATV we aren’t confident will last the season. Absolute worst case scenario we may need to look to cover ATV replacement cost and recoup where we can.
LSV Club COVID Activity Guide. What we can and can’t do at this stage life-saving ops wise.
No real visibility on what the upcoming season will look like, patrolling, gear inspection all up in their air. Awaiting LSV’s advice.
Director of Facilities/Assets (Darrell Clark)
Smiths Tower – Followed up 18/3. LM for Kane 21/4.
Email sent 3/6/20.
9/6/20 response that he was speaking with the contractor and will update that afternoon.
30/6/20 as no response followed up again.
2/7/20 Response was I’m trying to get a firm position from the contractor as they are stating that as there has been no maintenance done on the building by the club it’s out of their control etc which isn’t helping at all. I’m awaiting it in writing so as I can respond accordingly. I don’t believe they would have a break in the weather at present to complete the work until spring in any case.
13/8 Followed up again with a response by 18/8.
24/8 Apologies for the delay. Pro Co is based in the locked-down area, so we are organizing them to complete the work after that as we do not feel it is necessary to have them come into our area at the moment. They have said they will require two days of work to complete.
Air Cons
Looking at 9 kW Air Con to replace one in the training room, 11kw system in Bar area, 2.5kw system for Tower- All with timer off switches fitted so they don’t get left on
Bigger glasses & Bowls – late 2020.
Mattress Upgrade – No action yet. – awaiting grant outcome
Chopping Boards & Utensils – Late 2020.
Bunks in Guard Room – No action yet.
Director of Communications (Riley Fyffe)
Accepting payments for Wooli face masks. They will arrive in Melbourne on 11/09/2020 then Team Elite will ship masks to individuals from there. 30 masks sold as of 7/09/20.
Awaiting samples for a new line of merchandise. Waiting on a reply from FCW regarding when they will be ready. Setting October 1st deadline for all merchandise to be locked in for the upcoming season.
Developed PICAL fundraiser on the club website. Raised $75 for PICAL as of 9/09/2020.
All social media accounts went purple on 28th August 2020 for Wear it Purple Day. It’s about showing young LGBTIQ+ young people that they have the right to be proud of who they are.
Started setting up a formalized volunteer expression of interest form for all club related activity.
Updated Surfguard information and membership prices with Terry.
Emailed August 2020 update
Updated landing page on the club website
Created social media policy, privacy policy, prize terms, and conditions.
This will be a yearly reminder to all members of the club with education at requal weekend and bronze camps
Director of Member Development (Brendan Smart)
LSV Grant (Due 23rd September 2020) - $300,000 opportunity
We have more opportunities and work that is going towards this and further quotes are being collected for more hopeful expenditure
Other grants being worked on:
Director of Nippers (Charles Tuchtan)
Committee meeting held on Tuesday 25 August; discussions include:
Formation of COVID-19 subcommittee
Inc – advertising of a Nippers COVID-19 Co-ordinator
Budget development (see decision paper)
Cashless Nipper program- need to liaise with AW and AJ to liaise
Future tasks:
Purchase consumables (Jason close coordinating)
Write sponsorship proposals
Work with Riley Fyffe on nipper registration
Work with AJ on financial recording
Director of Competition (Jeremy Goodger)
Winter competition season canceled
No decision by LSV regarding upcoming competition season
Potential of smaller regional carnivals hinted at in LSV recent survey
Competition budget issued
Competition Fees proposal issued
Initial discussion with Stafford regarding club champs
Director of Leadership Development (Hannah Tzimokas)
Have created 2 contingency options for bronze camp 2020 in response to the current COVID situation. The decision to be finalized during the board meeting
Awaiting further information from LSV when the roadmap is released on 14th September, this should allow us to finalize and complete the decision
Taking over the Woolamai female development Facebook group from Shannah Anderson
Decision Papers presented to the Board
Urgent/General business presented to the Board:
As mentioned previously at the beginning of the meeting Alan McLean and Ron Nicholson joined the meeting and discussed matters relating to Special Events.
Next Meeting:
October 2020
John Thompson (Life Governor) has been invited to attend to discuss PINP work