Weekly Club Update 16-09-2021
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: Secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 16-09-2021
Working With Children’s Check (WWCC)
Skills Maintenance
Permits to undertake training for Skills Maintenance
September Bronze (1 Spot remaining)!!
Adult Bronze Registrations Open!
Patrol Uniforms and Merchandise guide
Hello everyone, hope you have been keeping well,
The 2021/2022 season is nearing… and it’s gonna be big! Therefore it is time to start renewing your memberships! Details on renewal, categories and prices can be found under the ‘Membership Fee’s’ Tab
As membership renewals are very time consuming for the membership team, please do complete at least a month prior to season commencing (season commences 27/11/2021). It is a requirement for all members wishing to patrol this season, to be a current financial member of the club.
Information on ‘How to Renew’ your membership can be found under the ‘Renew’ tab
If you have forgotten your SLSA account username or are unsure if you have one please email me on the email below.
If you have forgotten your password, try the “forgotten username or password” link first, if still unable to login, please email me. DO NOT create another account if unable to access.
Working With Children Check
The membership team are also responsible for members Working With Children Checks (WWCC) this season.
If you are over 18 years old, you must hold a valid employee or volunteer WWCC for the entire season.
A volunteer WWCC is free and details on how to get one can be found at https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/working-with-childrens...
If you have either; received an email from the membership team asking for a WWCC, do not have a WWCC or have an expired WWCC, please send a picture of your newly applied for card or receipt to membership@woolamaibeach.asn.au
No payment or WWCC = No membership renewal for the season.
For any assistance or queries please contact membership@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Will Slator - Membership Officer
Email: membership@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Skills Maintenance
Skills maintenance is intended to ensure all patrolling lifesavers remain proficient in their skills and display the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the patrol award criteria.
Skills maintenance activities will be available from November onwards at Woolamai Beach SLSC. The delivery will be very similar to last season (e.g. smaller groups, increased hygiene measures, online content, adjusted activities and revised delivery format). Dates and Times are TBC however will be released in October.
For more information about Skills Maintenance, please click HERE
Skills Maintenance Training (Permit)
Under the Victorian Government Worker Permit Scheme, LSV is a named entity as an emergency service that can issue a Worker Permit to workers (staff and lifesaving club members current for 2021-22 year).
LSV have a number of work permits, which allow members to conduct different lifesaving activities. This year, members will be allowed to travel to their nearest beach, to conduct Critical Training – Skills Maintenance Physical Conditioning (exercise)
Please Note: This permit is different to conducting your actual skills maintenance session.
To Apply for this Permit, please click HERE
When completing the form, it will ask for a member ID. You are able to get that from logging into the Training Portal at https://mt.lsv.com.au/courses/
If you have any questions, please talk to your Patrol Captains.
Adult Bronze Medallion Course
The Adult Bronze Course is designed to be flexible for adults with commitments. We strongly encourage members over the age of 18 to apply for this course. Adult Bronze Medallion Course registrations are now open and details on times and dates can be located on the website. Learn more HERE
September Bronze - (Locals Only)
There is still 1 spot remaining on the September Bronze Course which is run for locals, by locals.
Dates & Times:
Saturday 18th September 9am to 5pm;
Sunday 19th September 9am to 5pm;
Saturday 25th September 9am to 5pm;
Sunday 26th September 9am to 5pm;
Saturday 2nd October 9am to 5pm; and
Sunday 3rd October 9am to 5pm.
If you are regionally based and interested in obtaining your Bronze Medallion this September (or know someone who is regionally based and may be interested in obtaining their Bronze Medallion this September), please let me know ASAP (memberdevelopment@woolamaibeach.asn.au).
Brendan Smart
Patrol Uniforms and Merchandise
Info on patrol uniforms and merchandise at Woolamai Beach SLSC 2021/2022
Hi everyone
Welcome to the 2021-22 Season!
If you need to organise patrol uniforms or club merchandise, here’s what to do.
Please note that this service is run by volunteers. New helpers are welcome!
Patrol Uniforms
If you’re doing your Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) or Bronze Medallion this season, your core patrol uniform items – shirt, shorts & cap – will be provided to you on successful completion of your course.
If you need additional items or you’re not doing SRC or Bronze, you can purchase some items from the club directly, and some from Surf Lifesaving Australia (SLSA). You must hold a current patrolling award in order to purchase patrol uniform items.
Patrol uniform items you can buy directly from the club:
Hat (straw)
Cap (peaked)
Hat (wide brim)
Red trackies (WBSLSC logo)
To order patrol items, go to https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/merchandise (or go to the club’s website then Home/Merchandise). A click and collect service will operate during school holiday periods and on weekends between December – April, with items to be collected from the clubhouse. Unfortunately no postal delivery is available, as the cost generally exceeds the value of items purchased.
From time to time, additional patrol uniform items can be purchased via the club as part of a group/bulk order (eg waterproof jackets). These can be arranged on a patrol basis and will occasionally be advertised on the Club’s Facebook page.
In person purchases can be made on busy club days, such as the final days of the SRC and Bronze Medallion courses, requal day and key events. These days will be publicised on the Club’s Facebook page.
Patrol uniform items you can buy directly from the SLSA:
Hat (straw)
Cap (peaked)
Hat (wide brim)
Red trackies (SLS logo)
Red hoodie
Waterproof jacket
Waist bag
Red bathers
To order, go to https://sls.com.au/ & click on the Members tab. Log in with your SLSA member details (create an account if you don’t have one). Click on the Memberships tab, then Member Store. Click on The Members Online Shop button. A delivery fee will be applied and SLSA will post your order to you directly (via Australia Post). Note that if you’ve not paid your membership yet, you won’t be able to view the patrol items and instead will only see the public SLSA online store.
If you have any questions on patrol uniforms or club merchandise, please email merchandise@woolamaibeach.asn.au (note new email address!).
Fi Blackmore
Merchandise Officer