Weekly Club Update 15-9-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 15-9-2022
Wooli Wipeouts
Training Opportunities
Camp Leader EOI’s
2022/2023 Lifeguard applications (Closing soon!)
Bass Development Camp
Clubhouse Security
LSV News
Wooli Wipeouts
Who are we?
Woolamai Wipeouts is a Female Development initiative which provides a supportive network in the form of a social surf group. This group was created and is run by females and aims to provide a safe space. It is tailored towards female identifying members, however, is inclusive of all genders, sex and age.
What is it?
We are focussed on creating an empowering, social and fun environment for members to continue to improve their skills within the water, through organizing group surfing sessions and occasional rescue board training.
A note on the sessions:
1. Surfing
We are a supportive group which can help boost members confidence in the water through simulating the required skill sets needed for rescue boards through surfing.
We are not providing instructional surfing lessons (unless otherwise stated) or water-safety management for these sessions.
2. Rescue-Board Development
Throughout the season, there will be a few rescue board development sessions run through WBSLSC. To attend these sessions, it will be a requirement that you are a member of Woolamai Beach SLSC. Water confidence and skill-development provided by the surfing sessions will boost your enthusiasm and knowledge about rescues in a variety of surf conditions.
Our Overall Goals:
To build the capacity of our female membership and see a stronger representation in key roles, we want to provide our club's female surfing group, the Wooli Wipeouts, with a leadership and coaching program. This would comprise a facilitated workshop session and inspirational female speakers.
To instil confidence in females within the surf club, through promoting leadership roles and working on skills like surfing and board awareness, whilst giving them the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals.
2022/23 Season Goals:
Creating an effective and sustainable leadership structure to grow the initiative through a tiered management system
Our Planned Leadership Structure
Role Description
+ Director
- Liaising with all Stakeholders (Board Members, Outsourced Resources)
- Creating Structure and Management of the Group
- Financial Planning & Spending (Grant Seeking/Fundraising)
+ Logistics/Equipment Coordinator
- Equipment Management
- Ensuring active communication with WBSLSC regarding equipment storage and the use of First Aid/Oxygen in an emergency
Prerequisites: Current Bronze Medallion
Ideal number of leaders: ~ 2
+ Event’s Coordinator
- Assisting to Organise and Plan Events
- Running the Events
- Planning/Management of Safety
- Skill Development Planning
Prerequisites: Bronze Medallion; Experienced and confident on surfboards, rescue-boards and in the water
Ideal number of leaders: ~ 2
+ Media and Member Engagement Coordinator
- In control of social media accounts and content
- Advertising Events
- Merchandise
Prerequisites: Enthusiasm and an eye for social media content
Ideal number of leaders: ~ 1
2022/2023 Lifeguard applications (Closing soon!)
Beach Lifeguard, RWC Operator, RPAS (Drone) Pilot, LSV Comms Operator Seasonal Recruitment
Recruitment for seasonal positions in the LSV Beach Lifeguard, RWC, RPAS (Drone) & LSV Comms services close strictly on Sunday 18 September. Interested persons should ensure that they apply prior to the closing date.
More information about these roles can be found HERE
Training Opportunities
Trainer/Assessor Expression of Interests
Ever wanted to be a trainer/helper/leader on a course? The time has come to express your interest in the following courses:
Frank Dando Sports Academy Camp (FDSA)
FDSA are seeking 2 members who are able to assist training IRBC from Monday - Friday. You MUST have your IRBD. In return, you will be reimbursed $500 for the week. The camp will be held from the 21th -25th November. If you are interested in this opportunity please email training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Adult Bronze Course - https://form.jotform.com/222559376064866
Club Bronze Camp - https://form.jotform.com/222507705239051
Surf Rescue Certificate Course - https://form.jotform.com/222559175571866
There are many positions offered on these courses. Please fill out the correct EOI form above.
Role Descriptions
+ Camp Coordinator
The Camp Coordinator is ultimately responsible for the organisation/running of the camp/course.
Responsibilities include:
- Organising Course timetable
- Organising Course equipment
- Organising Course Food
- Overseeing course leaders/trainers/helpers
- Communication with parents
- Liaising with Chief/Vice Chief Instructor
+ Lead Trainer (Must hold TOC)
The Lead Trainer is responsible for overseeing all course training (dry/wet) throughout the course.
Responsibilities include:
- Liaising with Camp Coordinator & Water Safety Coordinator
- Preparing training equipment for sessions
- Overseeing course delivery from TAF's
+ Trainer (Must hold TOC)
A trainer will assist the Lead trainer in delivering the course sessions. To be a trainer, you MUST have a current (TOC).
Responsibilities include:
- Liaising with Lead Trainer and Lead Water safety
- Preparing training equipment for sessions
+ Group Leader
A Group Leader will be responsible for their selected candidate group for the duration of the camp.
Responsibilities Include:
- Assist candidates in day-to-day activities
- Assist trainers with session plans
- Assist with any other tasks as required
+ Lead Water Safety
The Lead Water safety is responsible for overseeing all water activities/training/water safety personnel during the course.
Responsibilities include:
- Liaising with Camp Coordinator
- Preparing Rescue Equipment for water activities
- Delegating water safety roles to trainers/leaders
+ Water Safety
Water Safety are responsible for maintaining adequate water safety/supervision while training in the water.
Responsibilities Include:
- Liaising with Lead Water Safety
- Preparing water safety equipment
- Preparing training equipment
- Assisting with any other tasks as required
+ Kitchen Crew
The Kitchen Crew is responsible for buying/preparing meals throughout the day.
Responsibilities Include:
- Liaise with Camp Coordinator
- Purchase groceries/supplies
- Prepare Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner meals (on rotation)
- Assist with other camp duties as required
+ Videographer/Photographer
Footage will be captured throughout the camp and collaged into a mini video.
Who Can Apply?
- If you are wanting to capture cool moments on a GoPro, Drone or Camera!
**Members who are successful in a camp position MUST undergo a 1-2 day training (as outlined in the EOI forms)
The Bass District Development Camp is Back!
The Bass District Lifesaving Development Camp Management team are proudly planning to run yet another Development camp in the new year. We are hopeful with easing of restrictions that we may see a full capacity camp with little to no Covid interference.
These are just an expression’s of interest to initially gain a response from club members and get the ball rolling.
Expressions of interest will close on Friday the 23rd of September (Grand Final public holiday) so please spread the word.
About Dev Camp
For those unfamiliar, this camp is a week-long live in camp that is heavily scenario-based training. We offer ART, FA. IRBC and IRBD. We focus heavily on leadership and offer a lot of leadership knowledge, experience, and training. We are hoping to expand beyond the bass region this year and offer both candidate and leadership roles. We encourage everyone to partake. If any further questions – please contact the camp coordinator
Camp Expression of Interest (Candidate and Leader)
Campbell Smart
Bass District Lifesaving Development Camp Coordinator
MB: 0434 849 751
Email: Campbellsmart18@gmail.com
Club House Security
To All Members,
Just a reminder that the clubhouse will have an active alarm on at all times up until the season starts. If for any reason you need to attend the clubhouse, please contact your Patrol Captain or one of the Directors to obtain the alarm codes.
Wild About Wooli! A 50 Year History of the Club
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE