Weekly Club Update 20-1-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 20-1-2022
Upcoming Patrol Events
Training Update
Pride March
LSV News
Upcoming Patrol Events
Hi all,
Just a reminder that WBSLSC has a few very important and fun patrol events coming up shortly which would be great for all members to participate in!
Rainbow Zinc - Saturday 22nd of January
Blue Zinc - Saturday 12th of February
Pink Zinc - Saturday 19th of February
For more information on these events please keep an eye out in the Member’s Facebook page and your patrol groups for updates!
We hope to see you all there
Training Update
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques/ First Aid Courses
LSV have created additional ARTFA courses which are available for members to book into via the Training Portal.
The ARTFA course is a combined ART and FA course run in a single day, and consists of the following awards/units of competency:
HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Resuscitation)
HLTAID010 - Provide Basic Emergency Life Support
HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid (First Aid)
HLTAID015 - Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy (Advanced Resuscitation Techniques)
LSV are running 4 courses over the next 2 months at LSV Headquarters in Port Melbourne. To find out more information, click here
State Run Courses (Assessors Course ONLINE)
There is an additional opportunity for current Trainers and Assessors to advance their training and assessment qualifications to the Assessor Skillset (TAESS00011), by completing the course online, rather than in the classroom.
If you are a current TOC holder and are interested in completing your assessor skill set, please read the following circular
Pride March
We are pleased to advise the return of the Midsumma Pride March in 2022.
This year’s March will be held in St Kilda on SUNDAY 6th February 2022 at 11am.
Life Saving Victoria (LSV) has been invited to participate again as part of Emergency Services Victoria (EMV). Joining other Emergency Service agencies to show our support and celebrate diversity and inclusion of our organisation, the sector and wider community we support.
LSV is seeking staff and volunteers who are interested in joining in this unique opportunity, which includes the chance to meet and network with other emergency services representatives from the Police, State Emergency Service, Country Fire Authority (CFA), Forest Fire Management Victoria, Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Brigade, Ambulance Victoria, St John’s Ambulance, Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority and Emergency Management Victoria who will all form part of next year’s Emergency Management Wave during the Pride March parade.
The March proceeds down Fitzroy Street and ends in Catani Gardens, St Kilda.
For more information about the parade go to – Midsumma Festival - Midsumma Pride March
We are seeking Expressions of Interest to represent LSV at the parade. Please RSVP by return email or complete this form by Friday, 29th January 2021.
For more information on the LSV circular click HERE
LSV News
For this weeks circular, click HERE