Weekly Club Update 24-2-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 24-2-2022
LSV Member Monday
Help Prevent Drownings at Woolamai Beach Online Session
Expression of Interest ~ Training Officer Certificate (TOC) Courses
Expression of Interest ~ Assessor & Cert IV Courses
Cowes Classic Water Safety - Call Out!
Presentation Night ~ Save the Date!
Punchy’s Penguins Patrol Weekend and Induction
Rescue Board Development Session
Disabled Surfer’s Association - Volunteers needed
LSV News
LSV Member Monday
We are very proud of Ellie Ryan, who featured in this weeks LSV’s Member Monday!
Read below for what she had to say!
"Every year I am super excited for Pink Patrol because I get to connect with so many lifesavers and members who are excited to support female involvement and leadership."
"In my first few years of lifesaving, I was incredibly lucky to have two female patrol captains who mentored me and inspired my passion for lifesaving. I am now a vice-patrol captain and get to lead my patrol alongside another strong female leaders, who I greatly admire.’
– Ellie Ryan
Help Prevent Drownings at Woolamai Beach Online Session
Alongside Life Saving Victoria, we’re hosting an online community consultation session tomorrow between 6-7pm on Microsoft Teams to gather local insights for a drowning prevention project in the region.
Thanks to the Phillip Island & San Remo Advertiser for helping to spread the word about this important community event.
More info https://www.pisra.com.au/.../your-say-on-drowning...
Thursday 6-7pm on Microsoft teams
You can access the session (via browser or app) on the night by clicking this link: https://bit.ly/3sGMkxf
For more information please have a look at the event page on Facebook!
If you can’t make todays session but would like to have your say, feel free to fill out the survey HERE
We hope to see you there!
Expression of Interest ~Training Officer Certificate (TOC) Courses
LSV have just announced additional Training Officer Certificate (TOC) leading into the offseason!
Over 2 days, this course is for members looking to have a long-term involvement in training and assessment delivery across a combination of aquatic rescue, first aid and emergency care and powercraft courses.
Dates Location
9 & 10 April 2022 @ Life Saving Victoria – Port Melbourne
11 & 12 April 2022 @ Half Moon Bay
21 & 22 May 2022 @ Point Lonsdale
18 & 19 June 2022 @ Chelsea-Longbeach
Courses will be available to enrol into via the member training portal shortly. The cost of the course is $50.00 payable at the time of enrolment. Members must also receive a club endorsement from the Chief Instructor before registering.
If you would like to register for 1 of the above courses, please read the latest circular here and email training@woolamaibeach.asn.au with your endorsement form filled out.
Expression of Interest ~ Assessor & Cert IV Courses
An opportunity has risen for any current Trainer (members who hold the TOC award) to further advance their training and assessment qualifications by obtaining either the Assessor Skill Set or the Cert IV Skill Set.
Assessor Skill Set (ASC)
Members who hold the TOC qualification are highly recommended to obtain the Assessor Skill Set. This will enable you to train and assess all awards (including accredited training courses) without supervision.
For more information about the Assessors Qualification, click HERE
Cert IV Training & Assessment
Members who hold the TOC & ASC qualifications are highly recommended to obtain their Cert IV in training and assessment. This will enable you to facilitate (train & assess) any lifesaving award as well as mentor any trainee trainers/assessors.
Both courses cost over $1000 and is fully funded by LSV (provided the candidate completes all requirements within the time frame).
If you are interested in completing any of the above qualifications, please fill out this form and email training@woolamaibeach.asn.au for a club endorsement.
Terry Aslanidis
Chief Instructor
Cowes Classic Water Safety - Call Out!
Firstly, I want to thank everyone for their fantastic work yesterday at Channel Challenge. As always Wooli members answer the call and put on a great show! Unfortunately I couldn’t stick around for the event back at the club, but I hope you all had a great time.
Now we turn our attention to Cowes Classic/Little Penguin Dash.
If you can fill any of the below positions, please comment on the members facebook page or email Max at the below email adress.
Timings are as follows:
9.30am- Water Safety Briefing at Cowes Yacht Club for all Board Paddlers, Tube Swimmers and First Aid!
10.30am- Race Start for Little Penguin Dash (Only Board, Tube and First Aid required)
12pm- All IRBs and RWCs to be at Cowes Yacht Club for set up
1pm- All Water Safety Personnel and First Aid to be at Cowes Yacht Club for Cowes Classic Water Safety Briefing
2pm- Cowes Classic Race Start
After Event- Everyone helps pack up Water Safety and First Aid Gear
Back to the Club for a Social Evening organised by @Hugo Richter and Team
Love Max
E: maxeldridge@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Presentation Night ~ Save the Date!
The club is happy to announce that we have booked Silverwater Resort for our presentation night on Saturday Night - 28th May 2022! Further details and tickets to the event will be emailed and posted in the near future.
After 2 long years of Online Presentation Nights, It’ll be great to meet everybody in person again. Organising the presentation night is much simpler when many members put their hands up to help out. We need to form an organising committee whose responsibility will be to organise the night and the after party.
If this is something you are interested in doing, please contact Mark Bain - president@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Punchy’s Penguins Patrol Weekend and Induction
Hi All
The Punchy Penguin’s patrol are looking a bit thin for this weekends patrol. If you are available, please come down and support them. The day patrols will be led by none other than James Henderson and Rex Mynott, followed by an official induction of our newest penguins!
The epic night of challenges will test our penguins' teamwork abilities with a few penguin twists thrown in so be there or be square!!!
Patrol Times
Saturday 26th of February - 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Sunday 27th of February - 10:30am - 4:30pm
If you are not in Punchy Penguin’s but are coming down to help, please contact James Henderson - 0456824536
Rescue Board Development Session
Don’t forget that we have our very first Rescue Board Development Session right before patrol starts this Saturday! Details below:
Date: Saturday 26th February
Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Trainers: John McLachlan & Ashley Smith
If you are interested in learning how to master the rescue board, this session is for you! Please text Terry - 0468406476 if you are coming along!
Disabled Surfer’s Association - Volunteers needed
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE