Club Update | November 2020
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: Email:
President’s Remark
I am happy to announce we have received our approved COVID Safe Plan for WBSLSC clubhouse, training, and operations and we continue to work on approval for nippers and aquatic sports. At this point in time, the clubhouse remains closed to all members unless approved by a director. Again many thanks to the tireless efforts of our COVID Safe Sub-committee who have given up many hours and weekends to achieve approval from LSV.
We will be communicating within a couple of weeks on the compliance requirements for all members and the way it will impact moving throughout the clubhouse and on our patrolling operations.
A very special project has been undertaken during the offseason and we will be making announcements very shortly on the magnificent outcome. Please stay tuned to all our communication channels for an update.
Mark Bain | President of Woolamai Beach Surf Life Saving Club
Training and Assessing Update
Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC)
A Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) Update will be provided during the week commencing 9th November. In the meantime please express interest here:
Requalification/Skills Maintenance
A Requalification/Skills Maintenance Update will be provided during the week commencing 9th November.
At this stage, Requalification/Skills Maintenance at Woolamai will be limited to 12 regional/local Members per session. Metro Melbourne Members should register for a metro Melbourne Requalification/Skills Maintenance session at the following link:
Note: Sessions are limited. Members should check the above link on a regular basis for new sessions.
New Courses/Awards
At this stage, no New Courses/Awards will be offered at Woolamai during season 2020/21. Members wishing to complete New Courses/Awards should register for New Courses/Awards at the following link:
Note: Sessions are limited. Members should check the above link on a regular basis for new sessions.
Bronze Camp Update
Bronze Medallion Camp Rescheduled
Bronze Camp Update can be found here:
Special Events (Bass Coast Series)
We are still waiting on confirmation of whether Channel Challenge will run this season. We are continuing to ensure that we act on the advice given by Life Saving Victoria and the Department of Health and Human Services when making this decision.
A reminder that club memberships for the 2020/21 season are now due. You can renew your membership here.
Members are encouraged to read the information provided on the Club website and if they need financial assistance to pay their membership fees for 2020/2021, please follow the steps listed on the website. All applications are treated with the utmost sensitivity.
If you have been affected by COVID-19 and are unable to pay your membership fee for the 2020/21 season please fill out the form below:
Financial Assistance Form Available Here
Life Saving Services
Patrol Roster
Patrol Roster (Version 1) for November, December & January can be found here:
Things to note:
Version 1 of the Patrol Roster will cover November, December & January Patrols.
Version 1: Sundays & Public Holidays between Boxing Day & Australia Day rostered times will read TBC as we are currently in discussions with Lifesaving Victoria regarding times for these days.
Patrols will be singular days (I.e. Watermen on Saturday, Islanders on Sunday) rather than one patrol carrying out a whole weekend of patrolling, this is due to the bunkrooms being unavailable. See below for more info re: bunkrooms.
Additional versions of the Patrol Roster will be released at a later date with finalized peak season Sunday and Public Holiday times and February onwards roster.
Rostered Time: Start and finish times for patrolling members have been adjusted this season to factor in set up and pack of patrol equipment. Patrolling members are expected to be in the gear shed at the start time listed on the roster and remain at patrol until all equipment has been packed up / dismissed by the patrol captain.
Patrol Numbers
Patrols will be capped to a maximum of 25 patrolling members on shift/ patrol at any one time to ensure social distancing requirements can be comfortably met.
We do not anticipate this cap reducing our capacity to have all our patrolling members participate this season.
Patrol Captains will be responsible for managing this limit, more information on how patrol captains will be undertaking this will be communicated shortly.
At this stage, it will be closed this summer, likely to remain closed for the entirety of the season under the ruling given by DHHS & LSV.
Any questions regarding the above Lifesaving Services information please get in touch with your patrol captain.
The Nippers Committee is optimistic about running a modified Nippers program for the 2020/21 season.
The program is planned to operate Tuesday 29 December 2020 to Tuesday 5 January 2021 inclusive, with a rest day on New Year’s Day, at both Cleeland Bight Beach and Smiths Beach.
A modified program would involve restricted numbers and COVID-19 protocols in line with requirements set by Life Saving Victoria.
At this stage, we hope to be able to take registrations in late November, and details, as they come to hand, will be posted on the club’s website and Facebook Group
Stay off the Dunes
We remain optimistic PINP will commence sand remediation works within the next week or two. At all times please stay off the sand dunes to allow the new plantings every opportunity to grow and the remediation works themselves time to take effect on the sand movement.
Helpers needed for 2020/21 Season
We have a number of positions available for the upcoming season including:
Bass Coast Series Events Marketing Coordinator
Club Judiciary Representative
Memberships Officer
Memberships Officer | Nippers
Memberships Officer | WWCC
Grants Coordinator
Vice-Grants Coordinator
Grants Writer
Social Media Coordinator
Graphic Designer
Merchandise Coordinator
Emergency Incident Media Officer
Apply here: