Weekly Club Update 10-3-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 10-3-2022
Training Opportunities
Islanders Labour Day Dinner- 12/3
Cowes Classic - Post event function
International Women’s Day
Upcoming National Surfing Reserve Competition
LSV News
Training Opportunities
Resuscitation Course
A Resuscitation Course has been scheduled for any member that is needing to renew/obtain their CPR qualification. This course will teach you the skills and knowledge to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in an emergency situation.
Date: Sunday, 25 April 2022
Time: 9:00am - 10:30am (before patrol)
Location: Woolamai Beach SLSC
Spots: 16 Available ONLY
If you are interested in completing this award, please Log into the Member Training Portal and select the appropriate course.
ART/FA Courses Now Open for Registration!
LSV have just release 6 new Advanced Resuscitation Techniques/First Aid courses to the general membership! This course is a 1 day course (9:00am-5:30pm) which enables you to receive both the ART and FA awards together, as well as CPR!
Saturday 9th April @ LSV
Sunday 24th April @ LSV
Sunday 8th May @ LSV
Saturday 21st May @ LSV
Sunday 5th June @ LSV
Saturday 18th June @ LSV
If you are interested in undertaking this course, please Log into the Member Training Portal to select your preferred course and complete the eLearning before attending the training.
Side By Side Vehicle (SSV) Course
There is an SSV OPERATOR course at Jan Juc this weekend Saturday March 12 @ 8:30am. There are still 11 spots available.
Your current Driver’s License number and expiry date is required to be uploaded via https://member.sls.com.au prior to attending.
If you are interested in completing this award, please Log into the Member Training Portal and select the appropriate course.
Training Calendar
If you are interested in other training throughout the year, please keep an eye out on our website https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/training-calendar
Terry Aslanidis - Chief Instructor
E: training@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Islanders Labour Day Dinner- 12/3
Islanders is hosting an event this weekend with a labour day theme! - Saturday 12/3
Come dressed as you normally would on the Monday. Work/school uniforms or come as whatever profession you aspire towards.
$5 buy in on the night for a Pasta dinner.
Lots of fun and games during the night to keep all entertained as well as an open bar so come in your usual Monday attire on what promises to be a great night!
Cowes Classic/Social Night - Thank You!
Thank you to all members that assisted for the day, in the water, on the shore, through the streets of Cowes and back at the club both on patrol and with a fantastic dinner!
It was another fantastic event day for our club.
The Little Penguin Dash continues to grow and grow and the Cowes Classic continues to be a strong staple of our Bass Coast Series.
Another amazing effort by our fantastic club and its members!
Special mention to Hugo Richter and his family for bringing our members together with the Social Event following the classic. It was a fantastic night and great to see some of our younger members starting to get involved in club events.
To see more pictures from the event, visit our Photo Gallery here - https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/photo-gallery
International Women’s Day
Over the past week, you may have seen some of the amazing Woolamai Women being recognised on our socials. These women are just some of many, who have demonstrated amazing courage and strength in the field of lifesaving. In honour of International Women’s day, we aim to celebrate all those in our community who identify as women. Without these powerful chicks, our club and lifesaving as a whole would not be the successful service it is. Today and every day, we acknowledge the fabulous female figures in our lives and praise them for their tremendous work and determination.
Woolamai Beach SLSC has been recognised at the Life Saving Victoria International Women’s Day Breakfast with the Trailblazer Award. This award was created to acknowledge the work Woolamai has done in the Gender Diversity and Inclusion space.
Woolamai was the first club in the state to host a Pink Zinc Patrol in 2011, and now it is a state wide event with Surf Club’s and Aquatic Centres coming together to celebrate women in lifesaving. The award was presented to Georgie Wettenhall and Annie Coleman, on behalf of all Woolamai members. We hope all members are proud of this achievement, and we thank each individual for their support and contribution to growing our Club’s diversity. The LSV Trailblazer Award is for all of us. As a Team, Woolamai has grown and pushed to become the best we can, and our ideas and actions are now a vital part of the Life Saving Victoria service. While we will never stop working to be better, we hope each member takes today to reflect and be proud of their contribution to our community.
Annie Coleman and Georgie Wettenhall receiving LSV’s Trailblazer Award on behalf of WBSLSC.
The Phillip Island National Surfing Reserve 7th Annual Surfing Teams Challenge
The Phillip Island National Surfing Reserve 7th Annual Surfing Teams Challenge is coming up soon on Saturday 2nd of April 2022!
Be sure to be on the look out on patrol or come down and watch!
For more information of the rules click HERE
LSV News
For this week’s Circular, click HERE