Weekly Club Update 3-2-2022
Telephone: 0467 475 263 Postal Address: PO Box 49, San Remo, VIC, 3925 Web: www.woolamaibeach.org.au Email: secretary@woolamaibeach.asn.au
Weekly Club Update - 3-2-2022
Rescue Board Development Session
IRB Camp - Expression of Interest
Volunteer Patrol Hours (100+)
Training Officer Certificate (TOC) Courses
Wooli Wipeouts Surf and Sip
WBSLSC Strategy development
Gear & Equipment Maintenance
LSV News
Rescue Board Development Session
Woolamai Beach’s Rescue Board Development sessions are a great opportunity for members who are looking to improve on their board paddling skills in the surf. Sessions will be run by our very own experience board paddlers in the club and is open to all experience levels. If you want to learn how to catch waves but are not confident in the surf, than this is the session for you!
Date: Saturday 26th February
Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Trainers: John McLachlan & Ashley Smith
If you are interested in coming along to the session, please fill out this quick form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuczUa7mAFFvjXqn9Tsk-73eT2wb7SeJONq9sBZC4KIK6lCw/viewform?usp=sf_link
To make a weekend out of it, the Punchy Penguins will be patrolling both the 26th and 27th Feb. Feel free to Grace Saxon (PC) and join in on their patrol after our session!
If you have any questions, please contact Terry Aslanidis.
2022 IRB Camp - Expression of Interest
EXPRESSION OF INTERESTS are now open for the upcoming 2022 IRB camp!
This camp is for members wishing to obtain either the IRB Driver Award or IRB Crew Award. The aim of these courses is to help participants develop the skills and knowledge to safely and effectively drive or crew an inflatable Rescue Boat (IRB).
Please see below details for the 2019 Woolamai Beach SLSC IRB Camp.
Location: Woolamai Beach SLSC
Weekend 1: Friday 11th - Monday 14th March 2022
Weekend 2: Friday 18th - Sunday 20th March
For more information about each of the courses, please follow the links below:
IRB Crew: https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/irb-crew
IRB Driver: https://www.woolamaibeach.org.au/irb-driver

Due to limited resources and high demand, we will be conducting an expression of interest for those wishing to obtain these awards. Candidates will be selected based on a number of factors including: Involvement within the club, patrol hours and experience. Successful candidates will be emailed and asked to register online. Please use the below links to express interest for the upcoming camp.
IRB Camp EOI Form:
Expression of Interests will Close on Friday 18th February 2022
Terry Aslanidis
Chief Instructor
Volunteer Patrol Hours (100+)
Voluntary Patrol Hours are calculated throughout the season from a number of lifesaving activities including:
Voluntary Patrols
Water Safety for Junior Activities (Nippers)
Specialist Service (Helicopter, RWC)
Special Events (Channel Challenge, Cowes Classic)
Members who achieve over 100+ hours during the season are invited by Life Saving Victoria to attend the Valuing Volunteers Evening which is usually held during National Volunteer Week and will recognise/celebrate the volunteer contributions of LSV’s members throughout the season.

To check how many patrol hours you have completed, login to the Members Area Portal > Patrols > Patrol Hours. Make sure to filter the dates (Last Year: 01/10/2021 - This Year: current date).
**Please Note: Your records may not be updated straight away. We advise you to keep track of your own hours**
Most Volunteer Patrol Hours Award
WBSLSC are excited to introduce a new award to the member with the most patrol hours at the end of the season. Patrol hours from every service will be added up and calculated. The award will be presented at the end of season presentation night.
Patrol Hours as at December 31st 2021
Training Officer Certificate (TOC) Courses
LSV have just announced additional Training Officer Certificate (TOC) leading into the offseason!
Over 2 days, this course is for members looking to have a long-term involvement in training and assessment delivery across a combination of aquatic rescue, first aid and emergency care and powercraft courses.
Dates Location
9 & 10 April 2022 @ Life Saving Victoria – Port Melbourne
11 & 12 April 2022 @ Half Moon Bay
21 & 22 May 2022 @ Point Lonsdale
18 & 19 June 2022 @ Chelsea-Longbeach
Courses will be available to enrol into via the member training portal shortly. The cost of the course is $50.00 payable at the time of enrolment. Members must also receive a club endorsement from the Chief Instructor before registering.
If you would like to register for 1 of the above courses, please read the latest circular here and email training@woolamaibeach.asn.au with your endorsement form filled out.
Wooli Wipeouts Surf and Sip
Meet in the smiths car park at 8am to go for a shred and if you are keen, join us for a coffee or brekky at the smiths beach general store afterwards.
BYO surfboards, if you don’t have access to a board get in contact with us!!
For those interested in coming along please join the Wooli Wipeouts Facebook Page, and respond in the poll!
We are super excited to see you all there!!!!!!!
WBSLSC Strategy Development
Connected with our work on WBSLSC’s strategy, there are likely to be a number of conversations in coming months regarding leadership. These include:
What are the Club’s priorities over next decade (strategy execution or profile building or growing member base or addressing cultural issues or being more commercial etc.)?
What attributes do we then need to find in our President and Board (plus support structures)?
How are our best placed leaders reacting to the opportunity of taking on a board/leadership role and what does the club need to do to make leadership roles attractive/feasible for those people?
Please contact Mark D if you’d like to participate in those dialogues (mgdonaldson@me.com).
Gear & Equipment Maintenance
Over the last few seasons we have been lucky enough to secure grants in order to purchase new lifesaving equipment including IRB’s, Motors and Rescue Boards. Each year our equipment goes through a gear/equipment inspection to make sure they are operationally ready for patrols.
Over the last week we have seen significant damage to our boards making them un-operational. Damages can occur from the following:
Dropping the boards on hard surfaces
Dragging the boards on sand
Letting the board wash in on rocks/pebbles
All members are welcome to use the equipment for training however if you do notice any damages, please tell someone! We can’t fix the problem if we don’t know there is a problem.
To report damaged equipment, please let a senior member know such as a Patrol Captain or find one of the QR codes in the gear shed and fill out the form.
It’s so good to see people out on the boards out of patrol hours having a crack and trying to improve your skills. Thank you for your ongoing hard work on the beaches, please don’t forget to have fun as well!!
Michael Butler
Manager - Lifesaving Equipment